Earlier this spring (as pictured in the photo) only a few of these miniature daffodils bloomed. I figured they were probably getting too crowded and needed to be divided.
Because we are changing up the garden, I spent yesterday digging these out. They had multiplied exceedingly!
I’m thankful that bulbs multiply and flowers go to seed, giving us more abundance.
I also like the lessons I learn from the garden; sometimes, our lives or our homes are too crowded and we need to do some decluttering in order to bloom.
What are you thankful for today?
The sun is shining, the doggies are sitting with me, my husband is doing all the work (as I cannot), my son is successful, and the fire is crackling. All is well here. I am reminded of the song, it is well with my soul.
So many things outside of my control. I am trusting the Lord.
I am thankful for another beautiful day here in NC, my husband and I got to take a lovely walk and went in short sleeves. The leaves are more sparse but there are still beautiful maples and hickory and oaks.
I am thankful for my sewing group. We met today online and had a lovely chat and catch up while working on our sewing projects. It is such a kind, supportive group and it made my day to see them.
Brandy, I planted spring blooming bulbs about a month? ago. It’s been so warm, in our zone 4, that some are coming up! We had snow on the ground on Mon., i think it was.
Today i’m thankful for friends. They are invaluable to my sanity! It’s a joy to share a belly laugh with them.
That is warm! Our spring bulbs are coming up and I had to dig them up in the backyard. I hope they will make it!
I am thankful I could spend the last few days in a temperate climate. My husband was diagnosed with Covid-19 and gratefully only had mild symptoms, but we quarantined ourselves. I tested negative. I am grateful that we have our health.
Today, in this time of limited travel, I’m feeling very grateful for the opportunities we have had to visit different and wonderful places. Having downsized, today we are making a game of hanging favorite pictures from past vacations on empty wall space in the garage, and it’s lovely to revisit some of our experiences.
P.S. And just as I finished typing this, a lovely rainbow appeared, reminding me to be thankful for rain after months of dry heat, for raindrops on roses, and for God’s promises.
I’m thankful for the ocean so close.
I’m thankful for such nice neighbors.
I’m SO thankful for cool weather.
Nov. 7–I am thankful I was able to finish filling my pantry for the year. This was the week of the annual baking sale with 5 lbs. flour and 4 lbs. sugar for .99, 2 lbs. brown and powdered sugar for .88, and a few other limited items, including 2 lbs. of butter for $1.88 and one dozen eggs for .49. Of course, I’ll still be buying perishables and replenishing meat when it comes on special, but the heavy lifting is done for the year and I’m very thankful to have at least 6 months’ worth of food (12 months of some things that only go on special once a year).
Thankful for beautiful weather, sunshine makes things better!
I am thankful for falling leaves. Seasons change. Life changes and it can be scary and also hopeful. I pray for your health PJGT and for your husband’s recovery Kandace.