I’m thankful for the opportunity to vote today.
What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful for the opportunity to vote today.
What are you thankful for today?
When I was a teenager, my parents used to watch the televsion show, “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”. I remember being so impressed by Wayne Brady, one of the actors on the show, and his ability to make up funny lyrics to songs on the spot. At one point I learned that he was married,…
Today, I’m thankful for my husband’s company this evening, and children who were tired early, giving us more time for an at-home date after they were in bed. I’m grateful for a happy marriage and the joy of spending time with the man I love. (If you’re looking for at-home date ideas, you can…
Today, I am grateful for the pleasure of a video phone call to friends in France. I am still amazed that this technology exists and that it doesn’t cost anything to call (so different from paying high prices per minute for a regular phone call!) plus I get to see everyone’s smiles and see how much their children…
On this Veteran’s Day, I am thankful for the peace that we enjoy due to those who have served to make it that way. Many in the world are running from war and looking for a place of safety and peace. May we who are in peaceful nations be grateful that we can remain…
Today I am thankful for a roof over my head, a warm bed to sleep in, and food to eat. Over 11,200 children in my area are homeless, and the temperatures are going to drop here at the end of the week. I feel very blessed for the warmth, full bellies, and joys that we…
Today didn’t go as I had planned, yet I still managed to accomplish several needed things today, thanks to help from my family. My two youngest children were ill, but everyone helped to make them as happy and as comfortable as possible, and they took turns reading to and holding my youngest and helping extra…
I am thankful to live in a country that historically believes in prompting peace and respect for others. I am very grateful that I have never experienced what it is like to live in a war torn country. My heart goes out to those who have.
I am thankful for the Internet. I have a friend quite gravely ill. She is able to communicate to us however short her messages. I am grateful to have a way to stay in touch at my fingertips.
I’m thankful that I was able to successfully vote early! I hope everyone exercises their amazing right to vote today! 🙂
I am thankful to have been born in America.
My mother’s parents were both born in Homs, Syria. It was a beautiful city. It is now only bombed out buildings.
I tell my children and grandchildren they are the luckiest children in the world to have been born in America.
Please remember to vote today. Another perk to living in our wonderful country. You CAN make you voice heard without fear.
I am also thankful for the right to vote. I faithfully took my children with me through the years when I voted. My son is nineteen and away at college and this will be his first presidential election in which to vote. I am so proud that he went to the effort to get his absentee ballot so he can vote even when he is away from home. Sometimes they really do follow our example!
Very important! I cannot vote yet I live in this country. Everyone who has a right to vote is very blessed.
I am thankful that I could attend a free concert last night of one of my favorite composers, Astor Piazzolla. The performance also included three tangos performed to the music.
I also am thankful that I had the opportunity to vote today.
11-7 I am thankful for my children, for all the happiness they have brought us over the years. I am thankful for the wonderful spouses of the 2 older ones, and we look forward to see what God has planned for the other 3.
11-8 I am thankful for coffee after a long night up and for volunteers I could call in at work to take my place for the day. Oldest daughter and son in law’s new baby arrived…a girl!
I am very thankful for the right to vote. I always believed that you should exercise your right to vote. If you do not exercise the right to vote you do not have any right to fuss and grump about the way things are going with our country. However today I am super thankful it is almost OVER. This election season has been just awful. From watching the debates and just listening to them sip and bite at each other….Also the phone calls. Today alone I have had 4 calls asking me about voting. For something to be so ‘private’ (your vote) there are sure a lot of nosey people. Wanting to know who you voted for.
Oh..that is a good one..I too am so thankful to be able to vote.
I am also thankful that my cousin purchase a phone for my almost 90 year old aunt and that she is texting me everyday. My uncle is dying, she has not car and needs emotionally support.
I, too, am thankful for the freedom to vote. My grandmothers were just reaching adulthood when the 19th Amendment was passed and were always diligent about voting. I’m also thankful that this particular election cycle is coming to an end. Most of all, I’m thankful that regardless of politics, and regardless of who wins and who loses, God is ultimately in control. My mother always stressed that no matter who wins, we should always pray for our leaders up and down the ballot.
I am thankful that I voted and that I live in a country, where if we want to change things there is another election in w years for representatives and 4 years for president.
I am thankful for my dog. After a long, tiring day at work, I came home to her. She is always happy to see me, gives lots of kisses. She always makes me smile.
I’m thankful for something simple and something frivolous today. I’m thankful for the opportunity to walk on my lunch hour and to see a particularly gorgeous bush as I walked by, and for a swag bucks card to get a Starbucks drink with. It’s such a treat on a wet, grey day!
I am so thankful that we have the freedoms granted by the Constitution and Amendments – and, we have the opportunity to vote in representatives to keep those rights!
I am so thankful to live in this country and be able to go to my bible study class this morning, and then to vote this afternoon~
I am grateful to have my wonderfully amazing husband and daughter and the life we share together. I never take it for granted.
And yes, I voted 🙂
I am thankful for having food to share with a family in need. It is truly my favorite thing to do.
Today I’m grateful for the ability to read. I have an evil tummy bug and spent the day sleeping and reading. I’m also grateful that there was no line when I went to vote. That could have been ugly.
congratulations to all!!
I also voted. Then I went to the dermatologist and had some pre-cancerous spots on my face taken off with liquid nitrogen. I used to take my Mom for the same procedure. She always complained that it hurt. SHE WAS RIGHT~! It stung like a maniac for about a half hour and then slowly stopped hurting. Now it’s just pink, but I am thankful for MODERN MEDICINE which can prevent cancer by taking these spots off regularly. My husband had a few that had to be surgically removed and this is much more pleasant than that procedure. He keeps after his now also.
Congrats on the new granddaughter, Athanasia! I’m sure she is a beautiful, precious bundle of joy…and a very good excuse for missing work!
I am grateful that I have two healthy children and a healthy husband.
And I, too, voted today.
yep – I voted and my daughter and son got to vote for the first time today as well…….May God help us all no matter who wins – I didn’t like either of the choices from the major parties 🙁 But I voted anyways since it occurred to me that it was really not that long ago that women weren’t allowed to vote and I have kinda taken it for granted.
Thank you, Marcia and Rhonda!
Marybeth, so true! The dog is just all loving and there for you 100%