Note: This is not a sponsored post. I was not paid for my opinions. I really like this company and recommend them based on my own experience with them.

Last year, while searching for white foxglove seed for my white garden, I came across a company called Outside Pride that carried it for a fantastic price. The price was so amazing that I thought I should look to see what other seeds the company carried.

When I say amazing, I’m talking about packets of 1000 to 5000 seeds for $4.99. If you’ve ever bought flower seeds before, you know what a deal that is.

At that price, one can easily have loads of flowers in the garden. The company not only carries flower seeds, but they also have herb seeds and grass seeds.

I found that I could also search their website by color, making it very easy to choose flowers for a white garden. I ended up choosing several choices from them.

I asked them if they would be interested in doing a giveaway for my readers. They have agreed to give away a packet of each of the following seeds that are growing in my white garden to one lucky reader.

White vesca strawberries

These are berries that grow from seed that do not send out runners. These alpine-type berries are tiny berries that are sweeter than regular berries; to me, they taste like strawberry fruit leather! Outside Pride carries both red and white varieties. I chose white to go well in the white garden, but they have another advantage, too: the birds do not know they are ripe and leave them alone.

German chamomile

This pretty flower makes for a lovely herbal tea. These bloomed for me last month.

White violas

These are the size of a johnny jump up, but white. (They carry these and pansy seeds in a myriad of colors). These are just finishing up in my garden, being a cool season flower that works fall through spring in my climate.

White vincas (periwinkle)

I plant vincas after the violas are done in the garden. These are flowers that produce well above 100º. They flower all summer here and will grow until our first frost in December. At our last house (8 years ago), I used to buy flats of these flowers to put in the garden each June. Buying these seeds is so much less money! They have these in several colors.

White larkspur

These are best planted in fall in my climate for May and June flowers. The seeds are easy to collect once the flowers are done, making it easy to have plenty of flowers the following year.

Genovese Basil

They carry several types of basil seeds. If you want to grow enough for pesto, this is a great way to go (their packet is 1/8 of a pound for $4.99! That’s a lot of seeds!) I sow seeds directly in my garden in April. I’m starting to harvest basil now; it will grow until my first first. If it starts to flower, I cut off the flowers to keep it producing. The flowers, incidentally, are white.

Would you like to win a packet of each of these seeds for your garden? Enter the giveaway below.

Note: This giveaway is open to U.S. readers only.

If you grew a white garden, what flowers and food would you include?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I love the idea of the strawberries, as birds are problematic. Brandy thanks for your encouragement. It is often hard to navigate life with one income. Even family members don’t understand. You are giving us all the courage to defend mothering.,

  2. I’ve done most of my garden from seed this year and I am so excited that it’s doing so well! My mom used to plant vinca in her garden.

  3. I think the first thing I would want to include would be white roses, then the practical side of me would take over once that was out of the way.

  4. I would try my hand at white strawberries, onions (wild onions here have a white flower), white pumpkins, white scallop squash, and white roses to start with and other things I would have to research.

  5. I currently have bacopa, lily of the valley, sweet woodruff, a type of dead nettle and daisies in my garden. My favorite hosta has white flowers, as well. I would like to add some sort of allium with white flowers.

  6. I love the idea of the birds not eating the white strawberries. Does it work for chipmunks too? I love white peonies, foxglove, lilies-of-the-valley, and baby’s breath. Thanks for the opportunity, Brandi!Jennifer in IA

  7. thank you for your blog. Even though I am not frugal like you, you give me inspiration. Your gardens are beautiful and would love to have your vision and green thumb. Chamomile and violas are my favorites.

  8. I, too, am intrigued by the white strawberries. Did you sow them directly? How do they do in the sun, or are they shaded? I would also plant white vincas. Thanks for the contest and all of the helpful gardening info!

  9. I like the white periwinkles and white strawberries. Although we are having issues with production of our regular strawberries. I wonder if they are getting too much heat and sun…

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