There are lots of tutorials for Pottery Barn knockoffs, and some for Anthropolgie knockoffs.

For the seventh day of a Gift a Day, I am bringing you a very simple Janie and Jack knockoff.

Today’s project:

Embroidered Socks

I embroidered both the flower and the leaves using three strands of floss.

I did a three wrap French knot in the center of each rose. I did 10 wrap bullions on either side of the French knot. I did  four 12 wrap bullions around that.

The leaves are each one lazy-daisy stitch. I embroidered 2 leaves on either side of the flower.

Make sure to only go through the top layer of the sock!

If you are new to embroidery, I have links to embroidery stitch tutorials and free embroidery patterns here on my website.


pair of bobby socks  (the kind that fold over once)
embroidery thread in 2 colors


sewing needle (preferably an embroidery needle)


The total time for one pair of socks was 10 minutes.

Today I embroidered one pair of socks.


$1.15 per pair. (I actually already had some socks put aside, and I had embroidery thread, so these cost me nothing this year, but I did buy both things in the past).

Target has socks like this for $1 a pair in smaller sizes, or lace-edged ones in larger sizes for $2 a pair. Right now they have a 20% Kids’ Apparel coupon on their site for 20% off one item on certain brands, including Circo.

Though embroidery thread is not expensive, I always wait to buy mine until it is on sale. I buy several colors then to have on hand for future projects. Joann’s usually has embroidery thread on sale during most major holiday sales Most likely it will be on sale for Black Friday.

Michael’s carries embroidery thread as well, though they are slightly higher priced. I have not seen it go on sale in their ads.

The Janie and Jack socks have a picot edge on them. You can crochet a chain stitch on the socks with cotton crochet thread. I have done this before and it is actually the reason I had some extra socks in my sewing closet, as I had bought them with the intention to crochet a simple edge on these socks. I did many pairs before, and I had 3 pairs left. If I have the time (hahaha!), I may do that to this pair, but if not, these are fine the way they are, too. Be aware that the crochet thread will shrink and tighten in the wash. I find that 5 or 6  chain stitches between catching the edge of the sock each time works well.

You can also embroider on an existing pair of socks.

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  1. I giggled when you mentioned those. I don’t even have to click over to see the link; I’ve known that photo since I was 15 years old 🙂 I LOVED those socks then. My daughter loves them, too. I have some lace trim around here, I believe. Hmm . . .

  2. Did anyone else see the article on Christmas “Crackers” in Martha Stewart Living this month? Seems like a cute cheap idea.Jayne

  3. I just love them! ~ so pretty -I’m not sure how to do those stitches though french knot yes but not sure about wrap buillions. I’ll have to figure that one out. vickie

  4. If you go to the embroidery page on my website, there is a link to a bullion rose tutorial. It’s almost like a French knot, only you wrap it more times and you put the needle down in a different place instead of the same place. It takes some practice but you’ll get it!

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