I took my gardening goals off last week because I thought I wouldn’t have time for them. I ended up filling two trash cans from the garden anyway, with a few weeds and mostly with a tomato plant that succumbed to disease. I also ended up doing a little bit of fall planting of seeds. I generally don’t plant this early, but I am hoping that the slightly lower temperatures this year will be low enough for seeds to germinate.
I also took off my mending goals, and then I ended up being asked by my family to mend 7 or 8 articles of clothing (none of which were already on the mending pile). I took care of the mending that was needed right away.
I concentrated on getting Liberty’s presents done, and I almost finished. I’ll have to finish them on Monday.
This week I have planned even more sewing, but what is left is small bits and pieces, so hopefully I can complete several projects.
Last Week’s Goals:

Sewing Goals:

1. Finish dress for Winter
2. Finish dress for Wren
3. Finish dress for Liberty. I realized that I had been working on a size 6 (I started cutting this out many months earlier), and that I should be making a size 7, so I started over. I cut out the dress and the lining and I have almost finished it.

Website and Blog Goals:

1. Write and photograph 3 blog posts
Family Goals:
1. Correct all schoolwork
2. Make a bracelet for Liberty I also made a necklace for her.
3. Make barrettes for Liberty. I got started but didn’t finish.
Personal Goals:
1. Go on a bicycle ride at least twice this week. I went on 4 rides. I took a child with me each time.
This Week’s Goals:

Sewing Goals:

1. Finish dress for Liberty
2. Finish Wren’s dress
3. Finish Winter’s dress
4. Finish the hot pads I started in January
5. If possible, work on another sewing project or two
Garden Goals:
1. Take apart benches. Sand and paint enough slats to fix my garden bench. Put bench together. (This is the last project I need to complete before I can do a garden reveal of the front garden.)
2. Clean up raised bed
3. Plant some seeds for the fall garden

Website and Blog Goals:

1. Write and photograph at least 4 blog posts
Family Goals:
1. Correct all schoolwork
2. Make a cake for Liberty
3. Decorate for Liberty’s birthday
Personal Goals:
1. Go on a bicycle ride at least twice this week.
2. Wash shower curtains and rehang them

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  2. Brandi’s ReDone list of goals! ;)1. Take apart benches. Sand and paint enough slats to fix my garden bench. Put bench together. (This is the last project I need to complete before I can do a garden reveal of the front garden.) 2. Reveal Garden! 🙂 Can’t wait to see the garden pivtures!

  3. My goals for this week are to clean the refridgerator and to figure out what the heck is wrong with our garden. ugh. We were out turning the soil for the fall planting and not only was the bed absolutely ALIVE with ants, like a carpet. Those teeny ones. And we still have these round white balls that I initially thought were spider sacks or snake or something and they have all these fine white roots coming out of them. They run from tiny to fairly large in size. It’s perplexing. My husband and I are trying to decide if we should plant or if we should try and bake the soil with what is left of the heat.

  4. My goals:research to see if I can plant lettuce seeds now. Hopefully I can add that to my list.transplant a bush. A landscaper said I could as long as I keep it watered.make homemade bread and freeze some meals.finish a book.Learn 2 Bible verses with my 8 year old. She has learned all NT books and some verses. It’s great that as she learns I learn with her.

  5. Ugh, I don’t know if I accomplished anything that I wanted to do, but someone gave me a sourdough starter and we have had pizza with it, and I have 9 crust’s in the freezer, and two loaves of bread currently rising. I started cleaning out our garage but the progress has stalled.This week, I want to work on cleaning the garage some more, we want to set up a table for our big girls to leave Lego projects on.I also want to finish two items in my current project pile.

  6. Dear Miss Brandy and readersI hope to continue accomplishing my fall goals with much flexibility.Pray dailyPray for my friend and daughter and for strength each day.Provide self care.Walk, stretch, eat healthy, go to PT, take medicine, and start day with a smile.Make a Thanksgiving planLook up dates for Thanksgiving. Look for ways to be grateful and thankful for the month of November.Make a Christmas planMake a potential gift list. Crochet fall leaves and pumpkins for decorations. Crochet a pumpkin.Declutter garage and kitchen.Continue decluttering pantry.Implement university plans for daughter for Fall 2014Have daughter study for ACT each day.Sew fall scarves and uniform skirt.Cut scarves out.Make a home decoration plan.Explore the internet.Implement a cleaning list.Continue writing cleaning chores down.Go to library bimonthly. Go to library on Saturday.Bimonthly family fun activities.Go to free museum art classes.Grow a garden.Prune plants. Clean garden.Make butternut squash and pumpkin puree for freezer.Purchase butternut squash at Farmer’s Market. Puree.Implement a grocery and menu plan. Follow menu for week. Go to New York in October. Check on airplane flights.I wish everyone a successful week! Anna

  7. Wow – lots of sewing for you! I need to make some new slip covers for my couch but keep putting it off. I’ve been waiting for a break in the weather to transplant a bunch of my flowers. Always seems like there’s to much to do with way to little time 🙂 Hope you have a nice week.

  8. I cleaned out my garden area and planted the lettuce seeds! I researched and learned I can plant swiss chard too. Hopefully, I’ll find some packets this week. Thanks for all the info I am finding on here. 🙂

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