A few freebies that I wanted to share:

Amazon.com is offering a free 30-day trial membership to Amazon prime, which includes not only 2-day shipping on any order (no minimum order size) but also the ability to borrow books from the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library (one free book per month), and instantly watch over 40,000 movies and TV episodes. The price for Amazon Prime is $79 a year, so be sure to cancel before the 30 days is over to avoid being charged. Click here to sign up for the promotion: Join Amazon Prime – Watch Over 40,000 Movies

Ancestry.com is offering a free search of the 1940 U.S. census for the month of July! Click here:  4th of July Special: FREE 1940 Census Search at Ancestry.com!

Education.com has a one-month trial to print unlimited worksheets using the code TRIAL. They have both $5 and $7 (a month) memberships available if you want to keep a membership. I have used this site in the past (you can print 10 worksheets a month for free without a membership) and right now I am signed up for the trial so that I can print more color by letter worksheets for my 5-year-old. I do not know when this coupon code expires.

Creative Live has some great online photography courses coming up! These are live classes that you can watch live for free (they are available to purchase as well so that you can watch them later).

I just signed up for two classes:

Children’s Posing Guide: Wednesday July 10th – July 12th

Food Photography with Andrew Scrivani: Friday: July 19th – July 21st. I was excited to see this; I love Scrivani’s guide to photographing soup!

Lastly, not a freebie, but a great deal:

One of my readers, Rocio, alerted me to a great deal at Wawak, where I buy sewing supplies. She said, “Just wanted to let you know I received a copy of Threads magazine today. It has an ad for Wawak: $20 off your order of $40 or more. The code is THREADS913; it is good until Sept 30,2013.” Wawak is having a sale on a few things through tomorrow on top of their already amazing low prices.  Be sure to check out their July sales on their home page as well. Wawak is where I buy thread, buttons, and more for my sewing projects.

Note: This post contains affiliate links for Amazon.com  and Ancestry.com.

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  1. Many libraries have accounts with Ancestry.com. Ask your local librarian if your library is one of them. I’m able to go to one of my local branches and use Ancestry.com for free as long as I want. You can use a library computer, but then you’re bound to the library rules for time limits on their computers. If you have a laptop or other computer-like device that’s able to hook up to the library’s internet, you can search for as long as you want with no time limits. I’ve spent a few interesting afternoons like this!

  2. Brandy, What brand/type of thread do you order from Wawak for use in your sewing machine? I have looked at their thread selection in the past and find it somewhat overwhelming.

  3. Amazon Prime is awesome. I’ve had it for about two years since the purchase of my Kindle Fire. Since I order a lot from Amazon Grocery it has paid for itself with all the 2 day shipping. Also love the great selections of movies and tv programs on the prime. I highly recommend them!

  4. Love the mason jar with the flags! I have a quart jar with that same design – – it looks so nice with the smaller flags clustered in it. I set mine on a light blue placemat.

  5. I never knew that you could stream movies through Amazon. Right now we have Netflix which is $8.07/month. If we switch to Amazon we’ll save $17.88/year and reap the free shipping rewards too! I’m going to talk to my DH today. Thanks! 🙂

  6. Many LDS family history centers also have accounts with Ancestry.com, & are available for public use without charges. Many of them also have air conditioning, which is a plus in this heat 🙂

  7. As far as I know it is an ongoing thing. Just click on the more info link at Amazon Prime and they will explain it all. We have had it a couple years now. We use it to buy things for my husband’s business. YOu can watch TV shows, movies and save on HULU or Netflix subscriptions and cable etc. They have lots of foodstuffs available too for those who need items not necessarily found in the local grocer.

  8. I was wondering in several of your recipes I see that you use powder milk do you still find it to be less expensive than milk? Thank you so much for your blog as I MUST stay within my budget! Blessings

  9. You can use regular milk or powdered milk. The powdered milk is good for those who are living from their pantries and not shopping at all. It has been a huge blessing to me over the last several years to have bought powdered milk when it was low. It also saves trips to the store (saving gas money and the inevitable buying of other items because you’re there). Having powdered milk on hand helps us when we don’t go to the store for many weeks. I use it primarily for cooking. I haven’t bought powdered milk since 2009 (I still have powdered milk on hand) and so I use it when I need to; I will stock up on again when I am able to do so. Milk prices were lower in 2009, which is one way it helps to cut costs, even as milk prices rise. In some places milk is much lower in the U.S. than others, so you’ll have to compare prices to see what is lower where you live, but even if it is more for you, I would still recommend having some in storage for the times you just need a little bit of milk, during a snow or ice storm, or natural disaster, and when you simply cannot afford to go shopping.

  10. This comment struck home “Having powdered milk on hand helps us when we don’t go to the store for many weeks.” I have found I waste more money running to and from the store to get one item! A friend of mine stocks up on staple items as they go on sale for a years supply to avoid such time & money wasting trips. So as I am slowly stocking my pantry powdered milk will be on my list. I still need to price itout to see if I save money over milk. Thank you so much! Blessings friend

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