Our sweet baby arrived at 2:15 a.m. on Friday, May 6th.

Baby 8 The Prudent Homemaker

 At only 6 days past my due date, he was my earliest baby. (The others were all born between 42-44 weeks). He was also the biggest, weighing 8 pounds, 11 ounces (3,936 g). Like all of my others, he was born at home.

Recovery for both of us has been slow, as labor was not easy for either of us, but I am happy to say that we are both doing well. 

This is our eighth baby. We haven’t chosen a name yet. We have a tradition of naming our baby after birth, and we’re still looking for the right name. I did joke to my husband on Mother’s Day that we could name him Henry, since he’s the eighth!

I’ll post another photo when we have a name.


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  1. Wonderful! We have eight…our eighth turned out to be our last, and I thank God every day we had him! Thomas Ezra is a nice name!

  2. What a beautiful baby, best wishes to you and your entire family. Thanks for sharing this photo with your readers!

  3. Awww Brandy, he’s precious. Congratulations to your whole family. Can’t wait to see more pictures of him.

  4. He’s beautiful 🙂 Congratulations and best wishes for a speedy recovery from the ordeal for both of you 🙂

  5. Congratulations! I think Henry is a perfect name for your newborn son. It is unique, like the names of your other children, and already has a special meaning for your family.

  6. Congratulations to you and your family! Pray that your recovery goes well. Blessings on your family

  7. Congratulations! I am so glad he is here safely for both of you. I actually really like the name Henry!

  8. Oh Brandy and family, congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful baby boy. I think Henry is a fine name, should you settle on that. We just had a baby Henry at our house today for the graduation party. He was along with the rest of his family, including the great grandfather he was named after. Looking forward to more pictures. Please get plenty of rest and enjoy this time with your new son.

  9. He is so beautiful. I just want to sit and smooch his little face. I’m glad you are both okay. Congratulations.

  10. Congratulations to all! He’s beautiful. Rest up Brandy and take good care of yourself. I too like the name Henry.

  11. Congratulations! What a beautiful baby! I’m so happy for you and your family and, as always, I continue to be amazed at all that you manage to do. Best wishes to you and your family!

  12. Congrats! And I’m so impressed that you deliver at home.

    My son is Henry so I think it is an excellent name! 😉

  13. What a precious little boy, Brandi! Although I’m sure the whole family are thrilled at his arrival, I have a feeling your boys are over the moon to have a new brother on their team. Congrats to all of you on your newest family member!:D I’m so looking forward to hearing the name you choose and seeing more pictures!!!!

  14. Congratulations on the new arrival! My dad’s name was Henry. If we had been able to have a third (after my son was obviously having developmental delays we called it good with my son and daughter) and it had been a boy we were going to name him Henry to keep the family name going. Seeing that you were jokingly calling him Henry gave me a smile :).

  15. Congratulations – he is a gorgeous baby!

    My oldest daughter was born on the 6th May – 29 years ago.

    I hope that you continue to recover your health and strength and soon settle into a routine with your new baby.

  16. Brandy and Family.. Congrats on the new arrival. He is adorable. I had no idea that you had delivered all your children at home talk about frugal!! I wish that that was something more common place than it is you are actually the first person I have ever known who has had a baby at home. I see bumper stickers here in my city every now and then about home birth but have never met anyone. Wow I am sure that is a far better experience than a hospital would be. I look forward to seeing many more pictures of the new little guy and the rest of your family.

  17. He’s adorable! So happy you and baby are healthy. And now Winter is no longer the only daughter with a baby brother (if I am recalling the birth order of your children correctly).

  18. Congratulations to you and your family, Brandy! He’s beautiful!

    May is a good month for babies – we have a nephew who shares your new son’s birthday and our twins’ birthday is the 7th. Henry is a wonderful name – Henry, Harry, and Harold are all family names for us, so they have a special place in my heart. If you choose that, it will “wear well in the wash” as my Grandmother always said. Whatever you and your husband choose will be perfect for him, I’m sure!

    Prayers for a smooth recovery and for much enjoyment of these baby days.

  19. Congratulations to you and your family! He’s precious! What a wonderful blessing the Lord has given to you and your husband.

  20. Congratulations! So happy for you and your family! I checked the blog at least once a day and decided you had the baby yesterday. Only a week wrong ;). I am very glad you and the new baby are well. Thank you for the extraordinary photo of “maybe Henry VIII”.

  21. Brandy, he is absolutely beautiful..I thought you’d have a boy! Please take extra care of yourself and keep well. I love your blog…
    I’ll keep you and your wonderful family in my prayers….ENJOY
    Carol from Australia

  22. I am so happy you’re both safe and sound. He is absolutely beautiful — a perfect sweet soul. I cannot have any more babies, but my hubby and I were just am talking about names we would have chosen if we’d had more children. I would have chosen Grayson. Whatever you name this sweet one, it will be perfect for him. ❤️

  23. Absolutely precious! Congratulations! Cannot wait to see him growing up with his lovely family.

  24. What a wonderful gift!!! Praying for a speedy and happy recovery!!!! Many hugs and lots of Love to shine on you all. I can’t wait to find out his name!! I am pulling for Henry!!! LOL!!!

  25. Congratulations! Glad to hear that mum and bub are both well:) Thank you for sharing the photo.

  26. Your son is beautiful! Congratulations! His siblings must be enchanted with him. I hope you and he recover smoothly and continue to do well.

  27. Congratulations! Si je me permets…! Gabriel is [i]manifique[/i] name 🙂 Or it’s “brother” Raphael.
    Enjoy every minute with beautiful creater!

  28. Congratulations! He is beautiful! I am so glad that he arrived safe and sound. 6 days past is not so bad either. I also go very past due and those last weeks are tough. Wishing you an easy recovery and all blessings for his precious life.

  29. Beautiful! I was praying for you and babe, hoping for a good birth for both of you. So glad to see he has arrived! I never went past 39 weeks with any of my 6 children. I couldn’t imagine what 42-44 felt like!

    So happy for you all Brandy. God bless you and your family.

    Ouida Gabriel

  30. He is adorable, Brandi! Je vote pour “Henri” a la pronunciation francaise. All the best to you and your beautiful family!

  31. What a beautiful, precious baby. Congratulations to the whole family! I’m sure your cup “runneth over” with joy. I have to agree that Henry is a great name; it was my father’s and a very special one in our own family. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  32. Oh – he is gorgeous! I am so glad things went “okay” for you even though it was difficult. I can’t wait to hear what you are naming him – your kids all have such unique names! PS I always loved Octavius for an 8th child – unfortunately I only had two and didn’t get to use it!

  33. Oh Brandy he is so handsome and cute !. That is a good sized baby and no wonder you were more tired than usual, it takes it out of you carrying the larger babies. I know all of mine were a good big size too.

    Take care of yourself and rest and recuperate, and the very best wishes to your family for a wonderful new little brother.

  34. Congratulations to you and your husband! What a beautiful new addition to your family! I am sure his brothers and sisters are thrilled!

  35. He landed a bit like my Dh. After a gaggle of girls! My Dh was also a #8, of 9. 3 boys, then 4 girls, him, & another girl! I will say that this was great for me cuz he’s very woman- sensitive and ALWAYS remembers to put down the toilet seat:). Congrats on your beautiful new son.

  36. What a beautiful son! I’ll bet the boys are jumping up and down to have another brother, and the girls are ready to “mother” him!

  37. Congratulations! He shares a birthday with my son, who is now 4 years old! What a little sweetheart. Hoping you feel better soon.

  38. What a beautiful baby Brandy. What a blessing to your family. I think it is wonderful that you had a home birth. I have been reading about hospital births being difficult on the baby and the mother. Ugh. I had 4 children and wish I had more. You are a beautiful role model. God Bless you.

  39. Congrats Brandy! He is such a handsome sweet boy and I can’t wait to see what you name him. All the names of your children are so unique and whimsical.

  40. Congratulations to you all! Your little guy is so precious! (And, though I have only seen a few pictures, seems to resemble his Papa!?)

  41. I looked at your family photo just last week and said….ya know they need another boy. And that was before I read the post that you were expecting. Congrats!

  42. Congratulations! He is beautiful. I hope you and baby are resting and recouping. Sorry the birth was difficult on both of you. I am glad that you have such wonderful helpers. I am praying for a speedy recovery. I like Henry 🙂 my brother is William Henry the fourth. I am sure You will pick the perfect name for your little guy.
    Patti from San Diego

  43. Awwww what a blessing. I’d really hoped my niece was going to deliver on my mom’s birthday (she passed last year) but she waited till the 10th (her great grandpa’s birthday) but not you! May 6th was mom’s birthday and now your newest too!


  44. He is beautiful. He is a very lucky little boy to have such a wonderful family. I’m sure you have lots of little helpers for him. Congratulations to all of you and to Ivory on becoming a big sister.

  45. I had my second at home but I didn’t intend to. I thought recovery was much easier than the first time. I had her 65 minutes after waking up in the morning.

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