Olive Trees The Prudent Homemaker

I’m thankful for the beautiful weather we’ve been having lately.


What are you thankful for today?

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  1. I, too, am thankful for our beautiful autumn weather in northern Idaho…although we did have snow about two weeks ago. This is one year that all of the fall chores are getting done because there’s no excuse not to!

    I introduced my friend Heather (who has a very low income) to OCC and she had a wonderful time filling a box for a girl 10-14. I wasn’t doing anything else Thursday, so I made a gathered skirt for her shoebox. She bought a coordinating T-shirt at Michael’s. Her 9-year-old granddaughter loved the skirt and it fit her perfectly! So Heather–who I am thankful for every day–is going to make her granddaughter a shoebox, too, and I’ve signed up to make her a skirt, too.

  2. I too am thankful for the beautiful weather we have been having in the Seattle area.

    I’m thankful for my husband. We have had our challenges, but I am happy to have him by my side. He makes me laugh and he is truly a good and honest person.

  3. I am thankful for having basic knowledge of baking which allows me to make wonderful, inexpensive treats for my family on a budget. I am also thankful for naps on the couch, in front of a nice warm fire, on a cold and snowy afternoon.

  4. I am thankful that our whole family is feeling better after being ill for the last week. I am especially thankful that my husband is well on the mend and has a day off today to rest.


  5. I am thankful for my children who bring great joy into our lives. We are very close and I truly appreciate them and their company.

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