I am thankful for leftovers, and the time they give me to do other things!
What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for leftovers, and the time they give me to do other things!
What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for a little boy who was listening at church, even when I thought he wasn’t. I know he was listening, because the speaker said he was grateful for the prayers that had been made on his behalf. My young son whispered to me, “What’s a bee half?” What are you thankful for…
I’m thankful for a peaceful Sunday. What are you thankful for today?
I’m thankful I was able to visit with my brother before and on Thanksgiving. I’m grateful I was able to visit with friends I haven’t seen in years today. What are you grateful for today?
I am thankful for e-books from the library, and a phone on which to read them. I have only had a cell phone for the last 7 years now, as it was too expensive to do so before (when they raised taxes and rates on my home phone with no long distance or call waiting…
Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for an electric mixer that makes it easy to whip egg whites and whipping cream! What are you thankful for today?
Today, I am thankful for a warm bed to sleep in. What are you thankful for today?
On Black Friday I let everyone fend for themselves for lunch (turkey sandwiches on Hawiaian Rolls Then for dinner I do a Turkey alfredo casserole it is one of the only times my family will eat a casserole. I do not go to any stores I do not shop. I put up all the Christmas decor and by the end of the day it is all up. On New Year’s day it comes down. It makes it easy for school work schedules too.
That my sweet husband woke me up (I was having a big nightmare) this morning. We went on and got up to do some Black Friday shopping. We got everything on our list and a couple of things that were unplanned but very good buys. I need to send off for some rebates and will do that tomorrow. We spent the day together, him going into Petsmart and me into Joann’s to get some deals. I walked out of Joann’s saving more than I spent. He got the new dog bed that we needed. We had an early breakfast this morning and came home to relax and just enjoy time off. Such a blessing. Tonight we will have left overs and I will box the rest up to freeze for later. I saved the big ham bone for pinto beans and corn bread tomorrow.
I’m thankful for the seat warmer in my car. It’s the first car i’ve had with it but it won’t be the last!
I am thankful for the warm clothes and pyjamas . Beautiful and hardly worn , that Infound at my favourite volunteer run thrift store today.
They also had a sale on. 🙂
We hit a deer today. I’m thankful that our van was all that was injured and not any of our children. I’m thankful for the two uncles of my husband’s who came to transport our large family to the car rental company. I’m thankful for a way to pay the rental until the insurance company can reimburse us and a way to pay the deductible.
Yes! I had this same thought multiple times today. 🙂
I’m thankful that we practically had Sam’s and Aldi to ourselves because everyone else was chasing a bargain!
I agree with leftovers! They are so freeing and fun! I am thankful that my daughter surprised us with a FaceTime chat. I am thankful for technology that allows us to be closer to family in this rather disjointed world!
Thankful for a wonderful family. (We’ll be having leftovers tomorrow!)
So glad you and no one was hurt. When we were on vacation in Colorado recently we saw a big buck deer run jump a fence and hit a car in front of us. That car had a lot of damage. The woman and her mother in the car were very shook up but okay. That deer was not killed…he got up and shook his head and ran off like it was nothing. We were witness to this and had to sign the accident report for her insurance company.
I thought about it before I clicked on the page, and leftovers was my choice also. I got a lot done today and dinner was so easy!!
Thankful that I have a Friday evening to do whatever I want. And I want to start my Christmas baking! Plus, I was able to get the last of my needed supplies on sale this evening after work, with a coupon as well. Thrifty and crafty and creative — it’s my perfect Friday evening! 🙂
I am very thankful for good health.
I am thankful for an extended family who loves us very much. Today, as many of us as could go went to ride a historic train and then roller skating. One of my sisters decided to treat the rest of us to the train ride. It was very fun and the children enjoyed the day greatly.
Today I had my 4 year recheck from my gastric bypass surgery in Toronto today. I am thankful that the roads were clear of ice and snow, so that our trip was no plagued with weather concerns. I am thankful that this surgery has resulted in such a profound improvement to my health and overall well-being. I am most thankful the cost of this surgery was covered under our health care, otherwise I would still be dealing with those health issues. Today was definitely a better day then yesterday…another incredible blessing!
I am grateful for my Mother’s 80th Birthday today! She is in good health and I am so blessed to be her daughter!
I am thankful that the last of the Christmas stuff I ordered will be in on Monday without me going out shopping and keeping in budget. I am thankful for the landlord’s sons cleaning out the barn (their cattle anyways) will to put manure on my gardens for me and some a on a trailer for a friend whose wife is struggling with RA. I am thankful that my doctor prescribed a med for my old brittle bones that he looked for the best med that was within my budget AND would not cause a problem with my heart failure med and Crohn’s . Not an easy task. He also changed my diet which caused me to laugh. I am to eat like I did growing up. In season, very little meat , lots of beans and potatoes. LOL
I’m thankful We’ve been able to have a free subscription to Amazon Prime for students the last six months and it’s been such a blessing to get free shipping on essential items not available to us. We live in a small town. d I was able to get some Black Friday deals before our subscription ends on Tuesday!