Octavius at the Park The Prudent Homemaker

I’ve lived in Las Vegas for 18 years, and every year, the wind comes in on Halloween or the day before, bringing a drastic drop in temperature and signaling the end of warm days for the year.

According to the weather predictions, the same was set for this year. Sunday it was 84°F. Wednesday it was a high of 70°F and temperatures in the 60’s were predicted for next week–a pretty normal situation for this time of year.

Then everything changed, and we had a high of 80°F today.

We went to the library, then had a picnic and went to play in the park. 

I’m thankful for the beautiful weather and the opportunity we had to do these things today.


What are you thankful for today?

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  1. I’m thankful for my health and that of my husband and children. Being healthy is easy to take for granted. Thank you for continuing to blog even though you are terribly busy with children in all stages of life. We are very fortunate to be able to educate our children as we deem best, I’m glad you were able to bring yours home.

  2. I’m grateful for good friendship. A lot of friends are just casual friends, but there are those few who become family. I appreciate all friendship, but those few special people mean the world to me!

  3. I am thankful for the beautiful fall this year. The trees were gorgeous as they turned color, and now all the leaves are coming down. It brings me so much joy to shuffle through piles of leaves on the sidewalk as I walk to work.

  4. I am thankful for a gift that came in the mail. Home canned goodies from a very busy woman. I can’t wait to open them.

  5. I am thankful for my husbands birthday today and the lovely day we spent together. He turned 58 and we have been
    married 30 years. He was diagnosed with kidney cancer in March, and subsequently had his right kidney removed.
    I am so thankful it was caught early , by a miracle from God really, and that he is now cancer free.

  6. I am so very thankful for Brandy’s blog, not only in November; but every day that I read her posts and also all of the helpful comments. Love how Brandy and everyone share their knowledge and encourage each other through difficult times.

  7. I am thankful for my husband. We had a cancer scare earlier this year with him and I am very thankful that the Lord kept His hand on him.

  8. I am thankful for my wonderful husband, who is a good companion and willing to try new foods, provide well for our family, is generous to others, who makes service a way of life, who supports me in my choices, is faithful to God, and who also happens to be incredibly handsome to me.

  9. I am grateful we escaped the hurricanes and major damage this year, but still grieve for those who experienced them.

  10. I’m thankful for family members who understand when I need to vent! And I’m thankful that an electrician is coming to the house this week to finally look at the problems the hurricane left me with in my kitchen.

  11. Brandy, my best friend in Palmdale, CA told me the very same thing about her weather. She said that it is utterly predictable that it will cool dramatically on Halloween, but this year, they were running the a/c on Sat. or Sun.!!

    As for thankful, as I tackled a crazy amount of laundry that built up over a busy week/weekend, I was very grateful for machines to be my *servant girls* (ref to Prov. 31!) and help me out. I’m still drip drying, folding, etc., but this would’ve taken DAYS just 75 yrs. ago!

  12. I am thankful for being with friends at a potluck luncheon at our church, where I could have good food and fellowship. I was signed up to bring soup but a member of our church called me up and said she was making the soup for me.

  13. I am thankful to have been able to celebrate 25 years of marriage yesterday to my husband. It’s not always easy but I’m grateful to have him for this journey of life.

  14. Today I am thankful for you Brandy! I will never forget you talking about the joys of staying home and it helped me to realize I don’t have to take my kids out and spend money. Being at home is fine for us and we now spend many days together enjoying our home.

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