Polka Dot Apron The Prudent Homemaker

Aprons are used every day at my house. They protect clothing from stains and holes while cooking, doing dishes, gardening, and other projects around the house.

For this gift, I made Winter a new apron in her favorite color.



1 yard of fabric 58″ wide

thread to match

existing apron to copy or free apron pattern (search Pinterest for a myriad of free apron patterns)


Sewing machine



Sewing pins

Long ruler or yardstick to measure apron ties


I copied an existing apron to make this apron. I used the existing apron as a pattern, folded in half lengthwise on top of the fabric (which was also folded in half) and cut around the apron, cutting about 1/2″ away for a seam allowance. I cut the ties from the remaining fabric that was left lengthwise. (I did not fold my fabric down the middle for the apron. Instead, I folded it only as much as I needed, giving me more fabric on one side of the piece from which to cut ties.)


I prewash and dry all fabric before sewing, and I don’t include that as part of my actual project time. Total time for this project was about 2 hours, and most of it was spent ironing hems.


I bought this fabric on sale for 30% off at Hobby Lobby. I normally wait to buy fabric until it is 40% or preferably 50% off, but the store is new and I don’t know if their sales go that low. Regular price this fabric is $10 a yard. (It is a slightly heavier weight fabric from the home decor section and is 100% cotton). I only needed a yard for this apron, but it you are making pockets, you will need a yard and a quarter. 

Total cost: $7

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  1. I purchased a pattern a while back and made aprons for my Wednesday night children’s class at church. Our class hosted a dinner for guest speakers at our church and wore them when they served. They even gave our dinner class a name and wrote the menu on our white board in the fellowship hall. They loved the aprons even the boys. I made them red like a chef’s apron with material I bought extremely cheap at a second hand store. I want to use the bigger pattern for Christmas gifts. They were easy and fun to make!

  2. If an item is at a lower % off you can use the 40% off coupon instead to get a greater savings but only one item. Like their furniture which is always 30% off you can use the 40% instead, at least at my store. Gray is my favorite color right now too! Esther

  3. Love that fabric. I also like Hobby Lobby a lot. They have a 40% off one item coupon every week so you can get a decent deal on a fabric or any other purchase that isn’t prohibited by the terms of the coupon. Hopefully the store is near enough to you to make it worth going.

  4. Love the fabric choice for this apron, Brandy. It is youthful but has a bit of mature look too. Perfect for Winter’s age group! I think she is going to LOVE it!!!

    I am thinking of putting together a cookbook of my favourite recipes for my niece one year for Christmas (I have a nice binder to put it in which she can then add to). She is in her final year of high school this year. I can’t decide if I should do it this year or wait to make it for her next year when she will be in college. I’m thinking an apron like this would be perfect to put with the cookbook, though. Thanks for the great gift idea!

  5. Your children are lucky to receive such thoughtful, uniquely crafted, and beautiful gifts! They are the sort of gifts I am striving the incorporate into my own family’s holidays. Best wishes for a quicker-than-expected recovery 🙂

  6. Esther’s correct. At Hobby Lobby they will allow you to use their coupons on any one item, even if it’s on sale at a lower per centage. Excludes clearance items though.

    The apron is adorable. Winter will love it!


  7. No they aren’t! (I really dislike turning ties). I cut them 2 1/2 inches wide. I then ironed 1/4″ in on all sides. I folded them in half, lengthwise, and then topstitched it close to the edge. Afterwards I sewed each tie on. Ties are about the same length as the apron, so they can be tied in a bow in front or back of the apron.

  8. That is a beautiful apron. Really like the color. Another fine gift idea for a guy. Any guy who likes to cook or BBQ would like such an apron. I know when my sweet husband does a BBQ he seems to get sauce on his shirt each time. An apron would be a big help. I think I have some blue jean fabric left that will make a nice apron.

    I hope you are feeling better. I know being laid up when you are used to being an active person is very hard. Know that many of your readers are praying for your quick and full recovery.

  9. I love aprons. I wear them every single day. I’m so messy–it saves me a lot of laundry. It also keeps my clothes from getting ruined. That apron is super cute. I would love to get it for Christmas, and I’m sure Winter will too.

    It did surprise me to find that not everyone wears aprons as much as I do. I’ve started tucking one into my purse if I am going to someone’s house and I think I’ll be helping cook in any way. Some people don’t seem to have one at all! I hope to find time to make a couple more for my kitchen drawer.

  10. I did the same when my grand-daughter finished high school and went off to college. In the front I added some photos of her over the years, helping me to cook. Then I put in some of her favorite recipes and left room for her to start her own collection. She’s not much of a cook, but I’m hoping she will turn to it after she gets settled in a job in her field. Right now she’s in NYC for an internship.

  11. I want to make an apron, but have no sewing machine.. do you think it is a good idea? I see aprons for sale on many websites, but wondering if it would be better to make it myself.

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