


  I ended up spending most of my time last week working on organizing the sewing room (which still isn’t done) and on rewriting our school curriculum lists.  It got quite hot again last week and I had no desire to work outside.     Last Week’s Goals:     Garden Goals:   1. Do some weeding…



    Last Week’s Goals:     Garden Goals:   1. Do some weeding and pruning, and fill at least 1 trash can I filled 5 1/2 trash cans (mostly with pear and fig branches) and I feel like I didn’t even make a dent in the summer pruning, so I will be upping my goal for…



      Last Week’s Goals:     Garden Goals:   1. Paint plinth and urn for the front garden again (maybe add a wash layer) Decided to not add the wash layer.   2. Install plinth and urn   3. Plant urn with plants    4. Help my husband install trellises.   5. Continue to…

New Chore Assignments

New Chore Assignments

Every so often, we redo the chore assignments in our house. Changing things out is good for everyone: children learn new skills, and the boredom that sets in from doing the same chore can be relieved by doing  a different chore. We usually change chores every 6 months, but it has been quite a while…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

Last week we had a huge makeover to the chore assignments. I spent some time instructing children how to do new-to-them chores. I ended up doing a task that I had planned to do sometime in the coming weeks (I cleaned out the shed) but the temperature dropped dramatically on Saturday, which made it ideal to…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

I spent a lot of time canning last week, and that took priority over everything else.. Friday and Saturday I watched a free online food photography class on Creative Live. For some strange reason my flash player wasn’t working (so I missed part of the class) and I ended up having to watch it on…