Last Week’s Goals:
Garden Goals:
1. Do some weeding and pruning, and fill at least 1 trash can I filled 5 1/2 trash cans (mostly with pear and fig branches) and I feel like I didn’t even make a dent in the summer pruning, so I will be upping my goal for the next few weeks. Trash is picked up twice a week here, which is a big help.
2. Plant more squash seeds. I planted zucchini in the front yard. Hopefully we’ll get some in October and November. Our first frost can be as early as November 15th but is usually around December 15th. If our cooler weather continues, however, I think it may be a mid-November year. I’m watching carefully as I plan when to plant more items for fall.
3. Plant urn with plants I also planted the urns that are now by the front door.
4. Weave Lady Bank’s roses up the trellises and prune bits that need to be pruned

Sewing Goals:

1. Finish dress for Winter
2. Finish dress for Wren

Organizational Goals:

1. Spend 15 minutes each day (except Sunday) organizing the sewing room. I intend to set the timer for this and do it after the children are in bed in order to work for 15 uninterrupted minutes. This plan did not work. I ended up working for 45 minutes on Tuesday night and for 7 1/2 hours on Saturday, starting at 2:15 pm (I asked my husband to make dinner and snacks for the children). I am not done yet, but I made some good progress.
Canning Goals:
1. Can hot pepper jelly I canned one batch.

Website and Blog Goals:

1. Write and photograph 3 blog posts
Family Goals:
1. Correct all schoolwork
2. Edit pictures of the children. I ended up taking new pictures of Liberty and of Ezrom (after I gave him a haircut last week!)
This Week’s Goals:
Garden Goals:
1. Do some weeding and pruning (mostly tree pruning), and fill at least 5 trash cans.
2. Plant more Swiss chard seeds.
3. Plant yellow squash seeds.
4. Run more water lines in the front yard.

Sewing Goals:

1. Finish dress for Winter
2. Finish dress for Wren
3. Mend at least 3 items

Organizational Goals:

1. Finish organizing the sewing room. This is a difficult task but I want to tackle it!

Website and Blog Goals:

1. Write and photograph 3 blog posts
Family Goals:
1. Correct all schoolwork
2. Edit pictures of the children
3. Make new bookmarks for my dad and my mom

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  1. I barely had time for one blog post this week(and its only Monday, lol)

  2. I organized my sewing room last spring. It took me a long, long time, but it is so much better now. I do notice it is getting a little cluttered again, but not bad. I’m not sewing much this time of year as the garden is taking so much time, both cultivating and preserving the produce. I do need to think about some sewing. I need to make a couple of dresses for our granddaughter, who is now living with us. She came with quite a few clothes, but yesterday I noticed that the dress she wore to church was super short. Even with shorts under it, I would like to replace it. I’d like to make a couple of dresses, since I have fabric and patterns on hand. Then, I might look on clearance sales if I run out of time.This week, our 2 daughters that still live at home are involved with the 4-H fair. It is a big deal. Vegetables and baked items, plus some canned items and flowers all were packed in boxes and laundry baskets and the girls and my husband went to turn it in this morning. On Wednesday and Thursday they are signed up for cooking contests in front of the judge, and Saturday one of them is doing a flower arranging contest. So, lots of practice, paperwork, gathering of supplies and time at the fair is our goal for the week.I also need to keep the garden up. There are cucumbers ready to pickle and more green beans to pick and can. I also need to make time for 2 trips up to the DHS office, both dealing with my granddaughter, who is in foster care, so she has visits and there are meetings. I am also trying to get her established with doctors, dentist, eye doctor, therapist, etc. and get her ready for school. We homeschool the other girls, but she will attend public. That is what the state prefers, and I’m not fighting it because I need to be able to give the other 2 girls what they need during this transition time with a new 9-year-old in the house. Plus, she seems to demand attention all the time, which is not surprising. So, I need to make sure to have time for that.If I have extra time after all that, I plan to take a lo-n-n-n-g nap. LOL.

  3. Love reading your goals Florence. I am in between stages. Youngest is in college but Hub is not yet retired. After years of getting kids from here to there and taking care of their needs I have more time on my hands than I ever thought would be possible. Now my to-do list looks mostly self indulgent. But oh what a luxury uninterrupted reading time is!

  4. We had a wretched week. Someone gave us lice and we spent the entire weekend cleaning and cleaning and cleaning and combing and combing and combing. It was atrocious and very costly. So this week my only goal is to keep cleaning and combing and never see another bug again. In related news, I am never hugging anyone, ever again. GROSS. SO GROSS.

  5. Celia, When our children were small, their asthma was severe enough that we could not use the permethrin shampoo, because it sent them into bronchspasms. We learned that you can apply either mayonnaise or olive oil to the hair, & wrap the hair in a towel on your head, & leave it for 1/2 hour to an hour. It will kill all the lice & “unstick” the glue that holds the nits to the hair shaft (just ike vegetable oil causes super glue to release). Since we had an ongoing problem at one of the elementary schools for a while, in the classroom of the daughter with long, curly hair (of course!), we simply had “girls night in” with oil treatments for beautiful hair, & while the hair was oiled & wrapped, we painted toenails & fingernails. Much less expensive, & it worked better for us. At the time, it was winter, so all the stuffed animals were put in a garbage sack in the freezing garage for 2 weeks. Some things that were not washable nevertheless went thru the dryer for a cycle on “high”. Freezer & high dryer heat both work.

  6. Clever idea. The Elementary School in our area seems to have a lice outbreak each year. I have no kids at home but I am going to write the “girls night” idea down and pass it along to some of my neighbors with young ones.

  7. I have noticed that my husband has been completely immune, he uses tea tree oil shampoo so we have all been using it this week. I figure I will keep using it on all of us for another week.

  8. I wish our frost was that late so that I could still plant squash. But them again, I love snow so I have to say bring on the winter! I have my goals posted over on my blog. You will have to come check them out.

  9. 1. Pack up and move from a 10+ room farm house to about a 1600 (est) sq foot ranch.2. Rest.This has actually been in the works for awhile,but is coming to fruition sooner than planned. Daughter and son in law sold their house in city in only one week so they have an October 25 deadline. They will move into our house. It will be nice, everyone being in their “new” houses before Christmas. We will just move into a little house that that was built on our property for my husbands parents. We will do some touch up painting. It has periodically been used for visiting missionaries, family visitors etc over the last 11 years since his parents passed. It has a nice floor plan with our bedroom on one end and youngest daughter will be on other. Will give Livia her own space…previously she had the whole 2nd floor to herself. The middle part of the house is a large dining-kitchen area and living/family room, open to each other. My husband will get the whole basement for his office and darkroom (which was in basement of old house). Nice big 1st floor utility room AND pantry for my food supplies. We are going to add a 4 season room off the back (kitchen-dining area) . I am looking forward to this.We won’t have to get rid of a lot of stuff actually, though I will clear out things. The dining table that can seat 12-16 will stay at the big house, same with the extra bedroom furniture upstairs. The other children all still have lots of their stuff in their old rooms. Eliana will have to decide if and when they need to get their rooms sorted. We can move over bit by bit. There is a nice paved walkway/drive between the two houses. I will get the extra room for my sewing etc. There is some furniture left in the new house that I will just ask who wants it or put in basement, since we won’t need it. I am so ready to downsize!

  10. I forgot, my friend that is a hairdresser said that a hair dryer works well too. We actually don’t have one, I am a wash and go girl. Well, wash and RUN. She said that lice seem to prefer really clean hair without a lot of product in it.

  11. Florence I checked your blog. Are all those pictures of the flowers from your yard? Very pretty.I saw your post about NPR. I listen to a lot of shows too. The new ones you mentioned I have not heard of except for Says You which actually my youngest and I just love.

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