I’ve known Cyrus’ birthday was coming but now I feel as though it has snuck up on me! I made a change to last week’s goals as part of it with a sewing project on Saturday, and I’ll have plans today for it as well, since his birthday is tomorrow!

Here’s how I did last week:


Garden Goals:

1. Paint plinth for the front garden when it arrives I painted the plinth, and also the urn, because my husband didn’t want them to both be black (I had previously painted the urn black). I’m still not happy with the paint, though. My sweet, amazingly talented brother-in-law offered to help me paint it when he comes back in town. He’s awesome. Therefore, this job is getting done AGAIN this week.
2. Install plinth and urn It’s sitting in place, but not installed until it is repainted.
3. Plant urn with plants Moved to this week’s to do list.
4. Plant zinnias in the backyard circle
5. Plant more zinnias of different colors in the garden
6. Install more drip irrigation in the front yard (and take some pictures as I go) I took pictures. I planted the peach tree in the front yard, and replanted two bushes into two different containers, and ran drip to those containers. I installed drip irrigation in the center circle and some more in the upper planter in front of the lemons. While I was out there, I planted a sage plant and two tarragon plants in the garden. I also planted more seeds in the front yard.
7. Order garden seeds for my fall garden I usually order enough in the spring but I decided to order some more for fall as well as a few that will be planted as soon as they arrive.
8. Have children finish picking apples from the Dorsett Golden Tree I picked them.
9. Pick Early Elberta peaches when they ripen. Winter picked several but they are not all ripe yet.

Sewing Goals:

1. Finish gift
2. Finish dress for Wren
3. Make dress for Winter I cut out the bodice, sleeves, and skirt of the dress. I sewed the front bodice to the front skirt price and I started sewing the sleeves together.
I also sewed a project for my husband using fleece I already had. In addition, I sewed a pair of pajama shorts for Cyrus as a birthday gift.

Canning Goals:

1. Can plum sauce I canned 32 half-pints.

Website and Blog Goals:

1. Write and photograph 3 blog posts I wrote 2 plus I took photos for a future post.
2. Finish 2 recipes and publish them for the website. I got as far as reviewing the edited photos.
Family Goals:
1. Help husband with advertising
2. Correct all schoolwork
3. Give both boys a haircut
This Week’s Goals:
Garden Goals:
1. Paint plinth and urn for the front garden again
2. Install plinth and urn
3. Plant urn with plants
4. Plant vincas in the backyard circle
5. Plant more zinnias of different colors in the garden
6. Replant zucchini and butternut squash in the garden from seed
7. Pick grapes
8. Pick Early Elberta peaches when they ripen.
9. Do some weeding
10. Cut more sunflower heads

Sewing Goals:

1. Finish dress for Wren
2. Make dress for Winter
3. Make skirt for Winter

Canning Goals:

1. Can grape juice
2. Can peaches from our tree and also the 50 pounds I purchased last week for .48 a pound

Website and Blog Goals:

1. Write and photograph 3 blog posts
2. Finish 2 recipes and publish them for the website
Family Goals:
1. Find a new dishwasher ASAP. It’s right in the middle of my busiest canning season, and I run it after every 2-3 meals, so this is a huge priority.
2. Correct all schoolwork
3. Make new bookmarks with tassels for Cyrus
4. Wrap birthday gifts
5. Make cheesecake for Cyrus’ birthday
6. Decorate for Cyrus’ birthday
7. Run 4 errands, including one trip to the library.

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  1. Black would have been a classic look for the plinth & urn, but it would also have retained a lot of heat from the sun, & your husband has to like it, too. I think using any of the colors from the retaining walls you installed would also look very “English garden” classic. Lots of places here are having Pioneer Day sales on appliances, but unfortunately, that is pretty much a Utah holiday! You accomplish so much, Brandy!

  2. congratulations on writing the list let alone doing it. Have actually succeeded in getting one goal done today and that is finish a hand hooked rug to give to grandsons preschool to raffle for their summer fete. Now if I could only get the weed patch I call a garden under control life would be peachy! Anona

  3. I wonder the same thing, Teresa, where does she get so much energy? Of course, I look back on some of the things I was able to do when I was her age and wonder how in the world I did that. Oh, to be in my thirties again.

  4. Wowie that’s a list! We are mainly trying to weed out garden which somehow turned into a crazed jungle in the week we were gone. I am almost done weeding the herb bed. We fertilized and planted Brussel sprouts and we are going to clear out the broccoli this week. I have to say I found the broccoli a waste of space. Maybe next year we will do carrots there instead. I wondered if you compost, Brandy? Also does the dry air mean noosquitos or slugs?

  5. In general, no mosquitos and no slugs, but a few crop up here and there occasionally (from plants for the slugs and occasional snails; I saw some in with the plants I bought at the nursery). I have had a couple of mosquitos a few times but generally none to speak of. We have an adundance of black widow spiders, We also have lots of roaches (everyone does; most people pay for someone to come spray every month) and I have seen scorpions as well. I don’t compost; I tried and it dried out and blew all over the yard (we get a lot of strong winds). It would need to be in a container that is getting watered everyday. We don’t have dew.

  6. That is one long list of goals! I would love to know what all you are planning on planting this fall? We just got the keys to our house, so my goal list revolves around the house this week.

  7. I ordered some more lettuce, spinach, radishes, and turnips. I also ordered some pumpkin seeds and some flower seeds. My other pumpkins didn’t make it and I want to try again. I also realized that I missed a spot for summer flowers in the front garden, so I ordered aster and white lavender seeds for that spot. I don’t know how they’ll do but I will try!In addition, I ordered more arugula and corn salad (mache) seeds.I have a lot of seeds left from spring as well. This should make up the difference.

  8. I’m very interested in getting a bit more info on the mache. You and I live in a similar climate with my area being a bit colder in winter. Are you growing the large or small seeded variety? I’m thinking the large seeded would be better as I’ve read it is more tolerant of heat and dry conditions. Also, do you happen to have a seed company that you use? Lastly, do you plant in fall for a spring harvest? It looks like a great addition to salad greens.

  9. Susan, colder would be an advantage. I have not yet mastered growing mache at ALL, but I absolutely love it. I ate it in France; it grows well in Normandy, which is much colder than where I live. I plan on planting in fall and I’ll just have to see how it does. I have planted both kinds and in general it tends to elude me, as it likes to grow in cold weather. I have planted varieties from both Burpee and Territorial Seed Company and this time I ordered through Territorial Seed. When I lived in France I just ate mache with no other greens, but it can of course be mixed.

  10. Thanks so much for the info! I’ll give it a try this fall and maybe again in late winter. I’m sure it’s too hot here after late April. I may also may give it a try in large pots on my patio. Maybe keeping it out of direct sunlight can extend the growing season a little. Good luck with your efforts on growing mache!

  11. I have had it grow best out of direct sunlight. Filtered sunlight worked the best for me. It is a super early in the season plant according to the growing instructions, so hopefully a fall seeding will work well.

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