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This Week’s Goals and a Few Things to Share
This post contains an affiliate link. Happy Monday! First, a few things: If you missed my giveaway for garden seeds for your garden, be sure to enter! The contest runs through Friday. Mrs. Wages is giving away a pressure canner! Enter here. If you’ve always wanted to have a price book but didn’t want to…

Lovelies: Easter
Apple blossoms from the garden I’ve been out in the garden pulling weeds today in preparation for tomorrow’s garden tour. I still have room if you want to attend. Send me an email and I’ll email directions to you. The garden is so lovely right now. The citrus blossoms are so fragrant, even before they’ve…

Goals for the First Week of August
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Last Week’s Frugal Accomplishments
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This Week’s Frugal Accomplishments
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YES! I, too am so grateful. The older I get the more I realize that this earth is our “4 minutes” to prove what we will choose and how we handle our challenges. And with many mistakes being made, I am so thankful for the atonement as well. Happy Easter!
Amen! I, too, am so very thankful for Christ’s atonement. Happy, Blessed Easter! The flower is lovely.
Happy Easter! Thank you Brandy for sharing your tips, tricks and recipes with all of us!
Amen! He is risen indeed!!Heidi