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Last Week’s Frugal Accomplishments
I made blueberry muffins, zucchini muffins, bean burritos, fried chicken, black bean burgers, beef stroganoff (using some beef that was given to us last year by someone who was clearing out her freezer to make room for half a cow), oatmeal, and spaghetti. My husband cut his own hair. My husband took two classes to…

Last Week’s Goals: Garden Goals: 1. Do some weeding and pruning, and fill at least 1 trash can I filled 5 1/2 trash cans (mostly with pear and fig branches) and I feel like I didn’t even make a dent in the summer pruning, so I will be upping my goal for…
Last Week’s Frugal Accomplishments
I planted seeds in my garden several days this week. Some of them have sprouted already. I put empty glass canning jars (the small jelly jars) over the seedlings that sprouted. I have found that by doing this (the last two years) that I have prevented my seedlings from being eaten by bugs and birds. The…

Last Week’s Frugal Accomplishments
Last week was a busy week! I sprouted alfalfa seeds. I made steak sauce. When we were asked to bring a refreshment to a cub scout event, we brought popcorn that we popped on the stove, rather than making cookies (which would have been a lot more money). I watched some shows for free on…

This Week’s Frugal Accomplishments
Felt “paper” dolls. I’ll be posting about these later today. I made several Christmas gifts. I mended a jacket. I used 2 buttons from my button jar as part of a Christmas gift. I paid a quarterly bill online that I usually mail. I cut both boys’ hair and trimmed the baby’s hair. We enjoyed…

October Grocery Shopping Plans
This post contains an affiliate link.I grocery shop with a monthly budget.I start with the things that are low in our pantry. Those are my priorities. Once I have worked on filling those, I will make other purchases based on what is on sale. A couple of notes about last month’s shopping: A reader alerted…
YES! I, too am so grateful. The older I get the more I realize that this earth is our “4 minutes” to prove what we will choose and how we handle our challenges. And with many mistakes being made, I am so thankful for the atonement as well. Happy Easter!
Amen! I, too, am so very thankful for Christ’s atonement. Happy, Blessed Easter! The flower is lovely.
Happy Easter! Thank you Brandy for sharing your tips, tricks and recipes with all of us!
Amen! He is risen indeed!!Heidi