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Thankful: November 19th
I’m thankful that we were able to load up a trailer full of bad dirt to take to the dump. We have lots and lots more to do, but we’re making (slow!) progress! If you want to see what I mean about our dirt (aka lime rocks), check out my latest video in the garden…

Thankful: November 19th
My 14-year-old son decided to clean the kitchen before and after dinner. I am so glad he saw what needed to be done and did it! What are you thankful for today?

Thankful: November 27th
I’m thankful for my husband’s hard work remaking the merry-go-round. What are you thankful for today?

Thankful: November 24th
I was thankful for a quiet day spent at home. Though it was Black Friday, I did no shopping. I did no cooking (so thankful for leftovers!). I read a book and relaxed! What are you thankful for today?

Thankful: November 28th
Today I am thankful for tomatoes! It looks like we’ll get a frost tonight. The tomatoes started flowering in October (once the temperatures dropped) and I’ve been picking tomatoes today with 4 of my girls. I’m grateful to have tomatoes. We’ll ripen some of these inside, fry some, and use some to make salsa verde! I’m…

Thankful: November 20th
I’m thankful to see that some of my lettuce seeds are growing! I planted these in October, and while a good number had come up a month ago, the first leaves were quickly munched by something, and I was worried I had no lettuce growing at all. In another spot, just a little ways away,…
I’m thankful that I can vote I really appreciate the convenience of receiving my ballot by mail and filling it out at home after researching the candidates and issues. I dropped off my ballot on my way to run errands today.
All of the freely available songs, books, movies, and audible resources amaze me! I’m very grateful for the richness that these arts bring to my life!
A good book I just read and a visit with my wonderful mum tomorrow. Highlight of my week!
I am grateful that my daughter has some incredible opportunities coming up in the next year. She has so many more opportunities than I did at her age.
I’m so thankful for my mom, whom I got to see today and had lunch with, just she and I. I love my (aging) parents and enjoy every moment I can spend with them.
I’m very thankful for my Libby app, always a good book to find and read.
I’m thankful for the potato harvest I recieved this year. At a time when potatoes are more expensive and harder to come by in the store, the potatoes I have stored are especially appreciated.
I say it at some point in this series every year and I’ll say it again. I am grateful for Brandy’s blog and the community that has evolved from it. Though I was raised in a frugal family, I learn something new here every week and appreciate the social aspect (support, encouragement, etc.) that appears to be lacking in some other spaces I have explored. It is a gift and I selfishly hope it can continue for many years to come. 🙂
Life has been busier than I like the past month. Yesterday, I was so thankful to get in two walks, one before and one after work! It was exactly what I needed, such a gift from the Lord!!
I am thankful for the library. Thousands of resources available at your fingertips.
I am thankful that our youngest son has become a responsible adult and even though I will miss him, he has made a beautiful transition to living on his own. I am glad he’s only three minutes away, and even though my momma heart is sad at my baby leaving the nest, I know this is the cycle of life and what we’ve been preparing him for his whole life. He’s become a wonderful young man and I am so proud of him.
Today I am thankful for my sisters. I was blessed with three. They are polar opposites in personality but all bring me joy.
I am grateful for libraries and the modern technology that allows me to place holds/request items from other branches and be notified of their arrival via computer so I’m only driving to one branch periodically. And the e-book tech too! 😀 (So many books, so little time. LOL)
I’m so thankful for the love of family and friends.
I am thankful for those people who run toward danger instead of away. I am safe from evils and harm that I don’t even know exist because of them.
I love beautiful things! Books, music, art, conversations, nature. Thankful to be alive to witness these things each day.
Today I am thankful that my husband of 30 years asked me to dance at a Valentine’s dance 34 years ago. Through thick and thin we have stuck together and created a pretty awesome family.
I am thankful for the time and money available to me to move to my new home. Every minute and every penny has been worth the effort.
I’m grateful for the prepandemic special that Aldi is running. I’m hoping to score some good deals especially on turkey and cream cheese
I am thankful that my husband’s oral surgery went well yesterday and that he is soon able to eat more than just soft foods.
I am thankful for heat, electricity and food. My pantry is at least partially stocked again. One of my furnaces is fixed. Thankful that in about 6-7 weeks the days start getting longer again….!
I am thankful for the leeks and tiny broccolisprouts I can harvest, and for the leaves of the perenial kale I can harvest , and they keep on growing new leaves.
I am thankful for a working stove, fridge, freezer and various small appliances that make food preparation and savings possible for our family and allows me to do my best to economize.
I’m thankful that I can remember at least the first verse of so many old hymns. They keep me company as I work around the house, drive, and cook. I will at least hum, but I prefer to sing them.
I am thankful for my 3 wonderful brothers.
I am thankful for my wonderful husband who can do most anything from remodeling our house to keeping our cars in good repair. He’s a keeper!
I am thankful for a bowl of warm porridge on a cold morning.
I am thankful that my physically disabled daughter got to come home from the hospital this afternoon. She had colon resection surgery on Tuesday to try to prevent future episodes of diverticulitis and C-Diff, caused by the antibiotics used to treat the diverticulitis. I am thankful for the skilled and caring doctors and nurses, and the lovely therapy dog that came to visit her at the hospital. She is feeling a little better today, able to eat a little food, and able to walk a little.
I am thankful for my local library and the wonderful librarians who are always so helpful.
I am thankful for my elderly friend. I saw her today and recent health issues have taken a toll. We must enjoy each other’s company as often as possible.
I, too, am grateful for my local library and the many free resources that keep me learning and engaged. I am grateful that two are within walking distance of my home. One is 20 minutes away and another is about 30 minutes. I am thankful that I can also request books from outside my library system through inter-library loans. That way I can get books I want without having to buy them if I can’t get them through my local library.
I am thankful for the warm fall weather we are having. So nice to have the doors & windows open and not use the heat in November!
I am thankful for a reconnection with a childhood friend who has many serious health problems. The sharing has been wonderful for both of us.
I was glad I could help our son prepare for a big moment in his life.
I’m grateful I meal planned ahead and was able to provide my husband and myself with a meal during a 20 minute Zoom break from a meeting.
I’m thankful today that a meal I made that wasn’t quite created the way I wished was graciously eaten again as leftovers 🙂