I mistakenly thought that having a shorter list last week would make it easier to accomplish my goals.

Then my family got the flu–one child on Tuesday, three late Wednesday night, one Thursday morning, and the baby and I Friday night. Now my husband is feeling ill as well.

Last week’s list was tossed.

Instead, I:

Washed lots and lots of laundry. In addition to the normal 20-24 loads a week that I wash, I washed several extra loads of towels, sheets, pillows, and blankets.

Washed doors, light switches, and walls with a bleach and water solution. It’s been a while since I’ve washed the walls next to my children’s beds. That was needed!

Finished embroidering the handkerchief that I started weeks ago.

Went to my sister-in-law’s garage sale, where I found several items for my family for .50 each.

Spent Saturday and Sunday resting as much as possible, while I took care of the baby and myself.

This week’s goals:

1. Continue to rest and take care of my family and myself

2. Do lots more laundry, including extra bedding and pillow loads.

3. Continue to bleach door handles, doors, door frames, walls, light switches, etc.

4. Change out the baby’s clothes for the next size.

5. Make 2 Christmas gifts. Start a third Christmas gift. Blog about them!

6. Do any other sewing that I can accomplish this week 🙂

7. Bucket popcorn, rice, and oats. This includes washing and drying the buckets first.

8. Praise each child each day

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  1. OH Brandy, what a week! Its always rough when all the kiddos get sick but when mom and dad get thrown in the mix…..Whew! Happy to hear you’re feeling better. Hope your hubby wont be down with it too long. Have a rest filled week.~Heather~

  2. I hope everyone recovers this week! I know when my husband gets sick it is worse than all three of my kids being sick at one time.At least you did get one thing on the list done.

  3. I’m so sorry your home has been so sick!! We too are starting get the same thing. My youngest daughter has came down with it today! I’m afraid we all will soon follow. My list of things to get accomplished will have to wait as well!I pray you all will soon be feeling 100% better!! Joy

  4. I am so sorry you have all been sick….oh, everyone being sick is the worst:(. I hope everyone is feeling better soon. Never mind about lists…time to call in Grandma to watch the little ones while you take a long bubble bath! Hugs to you all! Xoxo

  5. Hi!When my children are sick I wash everything in hot water and I wipe off the door knobs ,all furniture,toys,computers and telephones daily with a disinfectant.I also wiped off the covers of children’s school books.I also clean out the car very good daily with a little bleach disinfectant.Get well soon,Pat

  6. Sounds like you are doing all you can to nurse everyone back to health! My goals for this week are:1)Get the replacement car in to the mechanic to have the mirrors, locks & trunk button fixed.2)Finish harvesting the root vegetables. I still have carrots, beets & parsnips out in the garden.3)Dig out & pot up the elm saplings from the garden for our oldest daughter to use along her fence lines for pasture shade. We have a huge elm across the fence from us, so there are always elm saplings in the garden from the seeds. Since she can use them (free trees), I let them grow until after I harvest the garden, then I pot them all up for her in old nursery pots.4)Put up the apples I bought at the Farmer’s Market on Saturday.5)Work on the arbor for the grapevine.-Marivene

  7. Hope you all feel better soon :(My goal for the week:1. Get the fan fix in the van.2. Finish cleaning the garden. Our season is done til next June :(3. Halloween costume choosen and cost us 3$ for make up and an orange wig. We had everything else at home. My oldest is Merida (new Disney princess). My mother in law bought her the dress for her birthday. I’m a hunter (thanks to DH hunting clothes 😉 and my youngest will be Anne of Green Gable :D4. Home make all meal this week.That all I can think of lolLinda

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