
Thankful: November 2nd

Thankful: November 2nd

  Today we were gifted a fridge/freezer combo and all the food in it, plus all of the food from the family’s pantry. The couple recently became just one (the wife passed away recently; this is the funeral we attended a few months back) and the husband is moving. This was his extra fridge that…

Thankful: November 1st

Thankful: November 1st

In this season of Thanksgiving, I’ll be posting every day this month on a reason for which I am grateful that day.  Today I am thankful that my husband was able to go pick up a beautiful chest of drawers yesterday afternoon for me. I found this piece on Craig’s List weeks ago. I called…

My Goals For November

My Goals For November

November is a busy month for me, and I have a lot of posts planned! There will be at least one post every day this month, with many days having two posts a day. I’m bringing back my Thankful series again for the month, and I’ll be writing my Gift a Day series as well….

Super Spiffy Day

Super Spiffy Day

Super Spiffy Day is a day where the tasks that don’t get done on a regular basis (like cleaning baseboards and walls) get tackled. I call a Super Spiffy Day whenever the house needs a good deep clean, but it’s also great for seasonal cleaning, or to do before guests are expected. I have a list…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

  I had hoped the weather would be cool enough for me to plant my fall garden last week, but with temperatures of 103ºF (39ºC), it was too hot to plant. Soil temperatures were still at 90º. I did manage to put in a couple of hours in the garden last week and I’d like…