
This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

  I had hoped the weather would be cool enough for me to plant my fall garden last week, but with temperatures of 103ºF (39ºC), it was too hot to plant. Soil temperatures were still at 90º. I did manage to put in a couple of hours in the garden last week and I’d like…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

Our desert looking towards the mountains we went up last week. This photo was taken in the spring a few years back. I was hopeful that our weather was starting to cool enough for me to do some planting, but the revised weather forecast for this week shows most days over 100º, with the exception…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

  Monday is Labor Day, a holiday in the U.S. I’ve written a list of cleaning and organizational goals for the family to work on that day, including cleaning out the refrigerator, washing windows, cleaning the kitchen, scrubbing bathtubs, scrubbing the kitchen floor by hand, and cleaning bedrooms. Liberty’s birthday is this week, and I…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

Thank you all for you feedback last week on my goal posts! I learned a lot from your comments and they were all so kind! I did go to the temple last week, and I am going to go again this week. I walked four days and rode my bike a fifth day. I’m still…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

I started writing my goals for the week on the blog at the request of several readers. Since these are, of course, personal goals, I’m not sure how helpful they are to you as readers. Please let me know if this feature of the blog is something you’d like me to continue to include.  There…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

Note: This post contains Amazon affiliate links.   French study: In order to make my Skype conversations with friends in France easier, I am studying French every day, since it has been 17 years since I spoke French every day in Switzerland and France. 1. Read or listen to the Book of Mormon in French…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

With temperatures of 109º to 112º this week, I need to get the garden work done in the early morning hours when it’s cooler (around 85º). The garden has many plants that have gone to seed, and I have a lot to collect over several weeks as they ripen.   Garden: 1. Collect lettuce seeds…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

  I deadheaded all of the sunburnt roses last week. The photo above is what it looked like before I cut them; you can see some already quite brown from the sun. You can see my bolted lettuce there, too; I picked some seeds from those last week and I will pick more this week…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

My white Saint Theresa hydrangea changing to pink–though it’s supposed to not ever change colors, since it is a white hydrangea. I gave it some soil sulphur last week to lower the ph in hopes of fixing the problem.   Last week’s goals were tossed out the window when I ended up reading. Winter borrowed…