
My Garden Goals for 2017

My Garden Goals for 2017

January is the month where I spend the most time in my garden, pruning, tidying, and planting. I’m outside working for several hours almost every day. I have some goals I’d like to achieve in the garden this year, and a lot of those will come from good planning and preparation done this month. This…

Goals for July

Goals for July

With so many fruits ripe in the garden all at once (which are normally spread out from June through August) my first priority is to take care of the fruit in the garden. I need to cover grapes from the birds, pick apricots, peaches, and grapes. I’ll also be canning. Because so much has been…

Goals for June

Goals for June

This month I’m working on several projects that have been on my to-do lists for months. I have a lot of work to do in the garden, as the weeds have grown quite a bit in the last month while I’ve been recovering from having a baby. I am also behind in planting several things…

Goals for May

Goals for May

Here are the goals I would like to have for the month:   1. Have a baby 2. Keep up with the laundry 3. Continue to homeschool 4. Make meals   The reality, of course, is that there is much more to be done than those 4 things. This month I have apricots, blackberries and…

Goals For April

Goals For April

  I’m turning 40 this month. I have some fun projects for myself on my list for this month.   Sewing: 1. Sew curtains for my bedroom 2. Sew dress for myself, using 2 existing dress that I have to make a pattern (I want to try this method for making a pattern from an…

Goals for March

Goals for March

With most of the major gardening done, I can concentrate on the indoors. I have a few gardening chores still, but they won’t take as much time as they did last month. This month, I plan to focus on organizing, spring cleaning, and decorating. We did a lot of organizing and cleaning last week; we…

My Goals for December

My Goals for December

I’m still moving slowly and unable to sit, which makes getting things done fairly difficult. It also means a lot of almost every single one of my goals from last month are still items on my to-do list. Knowing my limited mobility, I’m making this month’s goals more in line with what I can do physically….

My Goals For November

My Goals For November

November is a busy month for me, and I have a lot of posts planned! There will be at least one post every day this month, with many days having two posts a day. I’m bringing back my Thankful series again for the month, and I’ll be writing my Gift a Day series as well….