White Arrangement detail The Prudent Homemaker

I started writing my goals for the week on the blog at the request of several readers. Since these are, of course, personal goals, I’m not sure how helpful they are to you as readers. Please let me know if this feature of the blog is something you’d like me to continue to include. 

There are several things on this list that were on earlier lists, that I still need to finish.

The key to getting it all done, of course, is to work hard, avoid distractions (like the internet!) and to use my time wisely.

It’s 110º(44ºC) today. It will be a hot week!



1. Prepare the talk I’ll be giving tomorrow night in town

2. Prepare slide show for tomorrow night’s talk

3. Make phone calls and get things worked out for Winter’s seminary class

4. Work on new plan for morning schedule and weekly schedule

5. Make visiting teaching appointments

6. Put away dried herbs

7. Organize and clean kitchen counters



1. Pull weeds from where green onions are growing

2. Plant more green onion seeds

3. Plant beet seeds

4. Pick Asian pears

5. Pick Bartlett pears

6. Prune hedges in the backyard

7. Cut flowers for a friend

8. Cut flowers for the house

9. Pick apples



1. Order some items for our 72-hour kits from Amazon

2. Order items from for our 72-hour kits from Ebay

3. Order new glasses for Liberty From Zenni Optical, going through Ebates first for 4% back.

4. Trip to Walmart

5. Trip to Winco

6. Trip to post office to mail baby gifts

7. Trip to nursery to inquire about their schedule for getting in fall vegetable plants (so I can share it tomorrow night when I speak)



1. Finish sewing baby shoes for a gift

2. Make baby bow barrettes for a gift

3. Make flower barrettes for a gift

4. Sew table runner

5. Sew reinforcements into a tarp. Afterwards, sew loops onto the tarp to make it possible to tie it down


Personal Goals:

1. Read at least 2 chapters of The Book of Mormon each day in French

2. Study past tense and future tense in French using the workbooks I picked up from the library

3. Complete at least 2 sections each day on Duolingo 

4. Walk at least 30 minutes 5 mornings this week

5. Attend the temple

6. Take flowers to my friend



1. Slice and dry pears

2. Cook dinner for the missionaries on Friday


Blog Goals:

1. Take photos of finished baby gifts

2. Take photos for 3 other upcoming posts

3. Finish at least 2 blog posts


Ezrom has his Cub Scout pack meeting this week as well, which is a swimming party for all of the families, so I have that as well to attend this week.

I think that’s more than enough for the week! I’d love to add “Sew a new apron for myself” to the list, but I doubt I’ll be able to fit that in as well. Hopefully next week!


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  1. I enjoy reading your weekly goal list! It helps me pencil in my own “to do” list each week and it’s neat to see what people are doing in other areas. I particularly enjoy how your goal list is broken down by category, as you give me ideas of things I should tackle myself (either that week or just in general).

    I have a very bad habit of having a lengthy “to do this month” list on my clipboard and I get discouraged seeing how many things never get accomplished and get bumped to the next month, and the next, and so on. Reading your lists gives me an example of how to keep things more manageable and realistic, rather than having a big rambling sheet that I tend to avoid. 😉

    If it’s not a good use of your time to write the posts, by all means don’t bother ~ but I thought you’d like to know that they are enjoyable for some of us readers, and why.

    Have a wonderful week!

  2. I am inspired by your goals every time I read them. I always find at least one thing I need to add to my list or one thing I want to try. Thank you. Thank you.

  3. I love reading your to-do lists. Your lists are different from mine but sometimes you remind me of something I need to put on my list so I find them very helpful. I enjoy your blog and how beautifully you live your life. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Keep them. I often read your blog for the inspiration, not mainly for the frugal ideas. Where I’ve used plenty of your recipes, tips, and ideas….it’s not what keeps me coming back. My life is nothing like yours. I’m a different religion, I have one child, I can’t garden (for lack of space) as much as you do, and I live in a much different area. However, by being allowed to follow how you make things work allows me to implement them into my on life. Thank you so much for what you do!!!!

  5. I believe your goal list is a form of inspiration to many of your readers. I know it is to me. When I am “feeling lazy”, I remember how much you get done when you have such a large family. That motivates me to get going and accomplish what needs to be done. Thanks for spending your precious time to do this and write such a wonderful blog. Having written one for 8 years, I know how much of your time it takes. You and your blog are greatly appreciated!

  6. Good Morning Brandy,

    I absolutely enjoy your weekly goal’s list and I look forward to this blog each week :). It helps me to focus on the needs of my home..thank you!
    I wanted to ask you about where to get a good food dehydrator. Also, do you have a web site to learn how to store dried foods and for how long they can stay in storage? Oh one other question. I am wanting to try to learn how to use and cook in a solar oven. I sometimes read that you use one on occasion. Did you make one or buy one?

    Thank you and have a very blessed week…
    Patty from the NW

  7. i love reading them too i find it very interesting and some things remind me of when i had kids still at home great memories i also like learning and getting ideas and have learned so much tho i have not been here long i have learned a lot from your articles. i am inspired and encouraged and you have helped me so thank you

  8. They really do taste like candy. This is one of my children’s favorite way of eating apples and pear. Great for school lunches too.

    I would really love to see birthday gift, Christmas gifts, well all the holiday things you do. We are on a $60 Christmas budget this year and love, love, love all your ideas. Just simply beautiful:)

    Thank you!

  9. Not sure if you are Precious from frugal makes cents but if so I do miss your blog. Also, hope you and your family are doing well.

  10. Keep the goals posts coming. While my life is not as frugal as yours I always come away with inspiration and motivation. Thank you for all you do!!

  11. I thoroughly enjoy your blog and your weekly goals.You seem very organized (not my strength!) and like a good steward of your time so it helps me work on my own. Also- I’ve always enjoyed reading about other women’s daily lives. Long before blogs, there was a magazine called “Farm and Ranch” that featured a reader’s diary each issue. That was my favorite!

  12. Brandy –
    Your lists are an inspiration to me. I enjoy every one of your posts and the replies from all of your readers. Thank you so much for taking time to share with us – and as one of your other readers said your list reminds me of things I forgot to put on mine… 🙂

  13. I enjoy reading your goal lists. They inspire me to work harder and do more. I think also for many of us we hope to somehow glean some of your energy and enthusiasm to accomplish our own goals. Perhaps by reading your ambitiously long list of goals we can learn how to accomplish our own. (Honestly I don’t know how you get it all done. And yes I’ve read all your posts about how you get it all done, but I still don’t know how you do it. I’m in awe.)

  14. I really like seeing your goals. It probably annoys you when they carry over, but I really appreciate seeing you are human too! We live in very different circumstances, but I love your lifestyle and am trying to live more simply. This really gives me a glimpse into you life. Keep them up if you don’t mind!

  15. Please do keep posting them! I started posting my monthly goals and weekly goals primarily because of reading and getting inspired by you! Writing down the goals really does help to keep me motivated. I say definitely keep them :).

    My main goal for this week is to start to deep clean my house in preparation for winter and just get it nice and clean and better organized now that the kids are back in school (today was the first day…honestly I miss them already). I’ve got to empty out my furnace room and try to figure out how to change the filters and vacuum out the vents and such before we are turning on the heat for the winter months.

    My other goals (minor though they are) can be found here…


    Have a great week everyone :).

  16. I am inspired and motivated by each one of your blog posts
    I look forward to them and always come away, encouraged, with new vigor and determination to pursue my own goals.
    You and your readers are a wonderful source of information and support, please do keep on sharing.
    I know your time is so precious, but you bring such joy and pleasure to your readers that I truly hope you can continue to write. Many thanks.
    Pam in Texas

  17. I enjoy reading your to do list. You seem to have a sense of calm about you despite having so much to do!

  18. I love reading all your blog posts. Like the others said it it motivating and helpful to see what kind of goals you have. Also, I don’t know if others would be interested, I would love for you to post about some things you dehydrate and how you use the dehydrated food to cook with. Thanks for writing!

  19. Yes! Please continue to list your goals for the week. They are very inspiring!

    My goals for the week are to make bread, make muffins, make butterscotch butter balls, sort and soak beans for canning, can the beans, and generally clean house. I’m also working on an essay for a scholarship competition and I have to read a book before I can write the essay so I’ll be reading too.

  20. I love your weekly goal list! I am inspired every week by your goal list and your frugal accomplishments. Your posts are my on my “must read” list. I also really enjoy reading the posts from your readers as well. My vote is to keep on keeping on… thanks for including us into your life.

  21. I read your blog because it is about “making a beautiful life for less”. Your weekly goals post and your frugal accomplishments weekly post are both about that theme but from two different perspectives. One is looking forward and the other is looking back. I find that helpful. Not all of the items make both lists. One of the things I like about the weekly goals list is that we can see just how much can be accomplished for very little money if we simply plan ahead and apply ourselves diligently. It’s very encouraging and uplifting. That’s what I like so much about your blog. It really is about making a beautiful life.

  22. I guess you actually say “making life beautiful for less” rather than “making a beautiful life for less” but the idea is the same. Many thanks for all you do.

  23. I also vote to keep your goals list. I am in a very different situation than you are. I am in my 60s, my children are grown and gone and no grandchildren yet, both DH and I work full time – but….. I make a list for weekends and even weekdays, especially in summer with the garden, and it helps to encourage me to get things done. I have started doing like you and categorizing my to-do list. Never did that before, always just had it in my head. While our lists are very different, I do take inspiration in methodology from you. Even old dogs can learn new tricks. 🙂

  24. Love your weekly goals post! But I love anything you post. You and the other ladies here are a true bright spot in my day. My goals for the week are to sort all kids clothes. I keep each size in different bins to pass down. I need to prepare all that are too little for an upcoming consignment event. I have a catering job saturday so I need to prepare and shop for that. We have ate down the freezer so much this summer that I need to defrost and look at restocking. I see that you are walking five days, that is a goal of mine as well.

  25. Brandy, your weekly goals list is more than just inspirational. It give us a peak into what your real life is like, which sometimes is a bit different than what we perceive from someone’s writings.

    I also like that we get a sneak peak into potential future blog posts! I certainly hope you post the baby gift you are making. Ironically I also have a baby shower to attend this week. I don’t know if I will have the time to make something this time, but I sure love you gift ideas that may inspire me for future presents!

  26. I love and look forward to each of your posts. Even though I am in a different time in my life (kids are both in college but still living at home) I find ideas that helps make the household run smoother. Thank you for taking the time each week to inspire and encourage us all.

    My goals this week got put on the back burner – We bought our first vintage trailer to “flip” This is something we have talked about and dreamed about for years and when this opportunity arose, we decided to quit talking and just start doing. We have done many trailers over the years for ourselves (our current one is a shuttle bus we just converted into our RV) so we have the knowledge to make this work. So, I am now recovering all of the cushions, making curtains and deep cleaning while hubby works on the mechanicals and fixing the damage to a couple of the aluminum panels – which will probably take a few months due to it being the busy season for his job. I did make sure to menu plan for the week because we have been eating out too much lately. I also received a flyer for a special sale at the grocery store around the corner – they will have cheese on sale for .99 CENTS this Thursday as well as good deals on pasta, sauce and TP so we will be going in together so we can each get the max amount allowed. This puts us that much closer to our 6 month food supply.

  27. Emily, I am that Precious. Thanks for your kind words. Due to illness, I had to stop blogging. We are well now but awaiting the date to be set for DH’s surgery. It keeps getting delayed. Then his recovery will be a long one. Hopefully when he is better I will blog again. I do miss it. But reading Brandy’s blog and all of the comments makes me miss it less.

  28. Pamela,

    Do you already have a faux tree and some Christmas decorations? Is $60 your budget for gifts and food (including Christmas dinner and cookies) or just gifts?

    Definitely check out my Gift a Day series and my birthday posts.

    For Christmas decorating, I have a Pinterest board called Christmas Inspiration that includes lots of inexpensive ideas, including free printables: https://www.pinterest.com/prudent/christmas-inspiration/

    I have another board called Christmas Crafts for the Children that has other decorating ideas: https://www.pinterest.com/prudent/christmas-crafts-for-the-children/

  29. I am also of a different religion than you, Brandy, and I have no children–and I still LOVE your blog. I love your goal lists and your gift-a-days and in short, EVERYTHING about your blog and what you post. You are such a blessing!

  30. Keep them! And I would love to read more posts during the week, too! I can only imagine your time is limited to blog, but I love your birthday posts and ‘life’ posts!

  31. I love your posts with your goals! It gets me thinking about my own goals. It gives me ideas of what to be doing this season (we are in similar climates). It keeps me motivated when I’m feeling like I have too much to do and just want to be lazy – instead I think of you and all your readers and I just keep at it!

  32. You are ALWAYS sooo inspirational.. It helps keep many of us going. I repeatedly return to past posts trying to stay on track. Please continue to post the weekly goals- and (being a bit of a visual person) maybe you could add a home tour post so we could see the results of your labors??? Your photography is very beautiful.

  33. Another positive vote for you to keep listing your goals. Like many others here, I am in different circumstances so many of the goals don’t relate but I find the list inspiring and gets me thinking of what I need to do. Your list is also motivating (I find I have no excuse when I compare your complex and busy life to my much quieter one without kids). 😉

  34. I always enjoy your lists – the thoughtful way you go about getting everything done helps me feel more peaceful when I’m making my list!

  35. Hi Brandy and keep your goals for the week list, it is inspiring.

    My goals are for this week –
    – Attempting to squeeze the groceries I have ordered and arriving today into workers cottage kitchen.
    – Turn compost heaps.
    – Get bulk manure from nursery and prepare spring garden beds for planting.
    – Weed back garden beds & pick any ripe vegetables.
    – Soak and wash all of our summer undergarments in storage ready to wear for summer so they are nice fresh and clean.
    – Work on organisation of 1 room in the house to make it more space efficient & get rid of clutter.
    – Make more meals from our food storage in our pantries.

  36. Yes, definitely keep them! They motivate me when my house is a mess to just get up and get it done. Brandy, do you ever just have lazy moments? It seems with all you get done that you must work from sunup to sundown with very little sleep. Also, since you haven’t had another baby since Ivory, have you noticed that you and your family are moving into a different season with the ages of your children? I am finding that now that I have older children that it’s been a big change in our family. They really no longer enjoy doing some of the activities they used to like going to the park, and I am oftentimes wondering what to do for ideas to spend quality time with them.

  37. I am also inspired by your posted accomplishments and goals. At 72, I often get discouraged and think sometimes that I am not accomplishing much and also that I’m not needed for many things these days. Then I start to see that I do accomplish more than I think–especially in the area of mending for my daughter and grand-daughter, and still trying to teach them things I know and want them to know. You also inspire me to get off the computer and get more done around the house–frequently!! I do realize that the posts are done through sacrificing time you COULD use for other things, and I appreciate that from you. I also enjoy your positivity and calm–two things I could use in my life. I get so impatient at times, and so often regret it–mostly AFTER the words are out of my mouth!!

  38. I suppose I’m the worst…not religious at all, live on another continent, have one child only, etc….BUT, BUT, BUT….I LOVE all your posts, Brandy and always look forward to reading them. You are a huge inspiration to me – if at all possible, keep them coming 🙂

  39. Hi Marcia and I had the very same conversation with a friend recently.

    I am in my 50’s and her in her 70’s with very ill health. She said something similar as she couldn’t do her art work anymore and felt she wasn’t needed by everyone as much as she used to be when she was more able bodied and younger.

    She is a wonderful inspiration to me, she keeps a wonderful garden tended and tidy that always looks gorgeous, however be it slower to do now she is older. She has a smile on her face all the time and the most happy disposition and positive attitude that others would be envious of.

    I told her that her beautiful smiling face and happy disposition was all that was needed, and that just those 2 things brightened up my day every time I see her.

  40. I find your goal posts very helpful as well! I am always impressed with how much you get done in a week although I also appreciate when an item may linger on your list for a few weeks. This happens to me all the time and it is heartening to know that his happens to others as well. 🙂

  41. I love your lists. It gives me insight into how to organize for a large family. My family is only four kids and just me as a single parent. I agree with above I need to keep my own check list in tow. 😀

  42. I also love reading anything that you post! The goals are inspiring and interesting and I love the comments from everyone on all the posts. I often tell my husband that blogs are like having a continual magazine to read that always have a new article for me. I always read yours first, and then move on if I have time. Like everyone else, I’m pretty busy, so don’t have time to read for too long usually. It is good to see that others are as well and still are walking and breathing and CHEERFUL!

    This week, I need to spend a lot of time at the county fair with my girls. They have already spent most of Saturday and yesterday turning in items they made and participating in the Fashion Show in clothes they made.

    Today, my husband will take them to participate in the parade and the fair will officially open. I will teach a few piano lessons here at home and then clean, clean, clean. The train wreck of fair has passed through my house and there are little bits all over the place! Once I get the clutter picked up, I hope to actually clean and scrub a bit.

    Then tomorrow and Thursday, they cook for the judge, and do a Sewing on the Spot contest so we will be at fair both days for many hours. They still need to gather all supplies each evening–nothing is provided except the oven, stove, etc. Paperwork needs to be done as well. Then, we load up and go, taking a large wagon to haul it all in with, do contests, usually eat ice cream with whichever relative(s) came to watch and then go home and wash all the dishes over to get the fair dust off, and re-group for the next day.

    Friday, I will work at home picking, watering, etc. what garden produce needs dealt with and clean more. I also have 2 large boxes of Gravenstein apples that may need dealt with by then. Saturday, there is a flower arranging contest they are in and the public show for the Fashion show.

    Sunday is a busy day at church, with training afterwords for children’s workers after services. I’m teaching the main lesson for the children and am helping lead part of the training. We are feeding lunch to the participants of the training, so I will help with that as well.

    If anyone gets State Fair on their items, those need to be re-done if necessary (such as baked bread) and turned in Sunday night when the other items are picked up. Usually, if vegetables have won a place at state fair, new ones are to be picked Monday morning and taken up to the extension office. My 15 year old did turn in gluten free bread. I’m still trying to figure out how to have her re-bake the bread and get it cooled by early evening while we spend the day at church……..Well, we will know today if she got state or not:) Then I can worry about logistics.

  43. I didn’t comment much on your blog but loved reading it. Hope you and the family continue to have improvements to your health.

  44. IF you are “Precious” from Grandmas Frugal Days, I sure do miss your blog. I loved it.
    I also LOVE this “Prudent Homemaker”. It gives me such inspiration.

  45. I love reading your To-Do lists each week. They remind me to stay focused and productive. I love everything you post, and am always excited to see something new. Your beautiful, frugal life is inspiring to me and many others.

  46. I love to read your personal goals for the week! It helps me, I have always been organized but here in this season of my life I feel like everything gets away from me. We just recently moved and I am now staying at home so I am trying to refocus back to goal setting and working around the house. Your blog has inspired me to do new things as well. My family will be preparing a garden for the very first time soon. Thank you!!!!

  47. Brandy,
    I love your lists. Nothing like mine but I still enjoy reading them. You will list something and it sounds interesting so I check it out and maybe try it. I do wish I had a friend like you close by to teach me some sewing and gardening. Good luck with your speech.

  48. My daughter is also a single parent of four children. Doing it alone is quite a challenge. I would classify your’s as a large family.

  49. I would be lost without your personal goals and frugal posts. It not only gives me mental support (I’m not alone at not getting it all done) but makes me think of things I wouldn’t think of getting done. It was your personal goal list that has me growing red noodle beans and Armenian cucumbers here in OH. I harvested my lettuce seeds that I would have just pulled and threw away. My hubby is grateful for the suggestions of pantry. The posts bless far more than you know.Now if I could just figure out how to keep up on my own blog

    Blessed Be

  50. Yes, please continue with this post. I love all the posts, but the Frugal Accomplishments, Weekly Goals, and Grocery Shopping goals/lists are extremely helpful as well as encouraging. We are bombarded constantly by the secular world to spend, spend, spend and, if we hear that enough, we start to buy into the “I deserve it” mentality. The bottom line is that we need to be good stewards of our Lord’s blessings which means constant discernment about how we are spending our money as well as our time. It is wonderful to see things like “Read two chapters in The Book of Mormon in French” because you are enriching your spirituality which is just as important as turning off lights and proper use of water or other precious resources. Staying grounded in our faith is another way of protecting ourselves against the temptations of our consumer-driven society.
    Thank you again for your blog as well as reader commentaries.
    May God bless all that you do!

  51. I love seeing your goals! Sometimes your activities que me to begin certain things, sometimes they help me to push myself, and when you carry over tasks, it helps me be a little easier on myself! Thank you for taking the time to share this information.

  52. Hi Patty,
    I’m not Brandy – but I can offer an answer to your questions.

    Brandy has an Amazon referral link an Excalibur dehydrator on this website. Honestly, if you have room in your budget for one of these, it is truly worth the money. I have one and use it all the time. You can even use it to make yogurt: you can put quart glass jars inside it and adjust the temperature so the yogurt will culture properly. If one of these isn’t in your budget, any basic dehydrator will work fine to dry various foods. For several years, I used a simple round one borrowed from my mom. It was about 15 years old. I see this type at thrift stores all the time.

    As for the storage of dry foods, it’s really going to depend on the temperature and humidity where they are stored. I am lazy about storing dry foods – I just put them in a Ziploc bag and then in a dark cupboard. I still have tomatoes from last summer that are fine, along with celery from last winter. I am sure they will last even longer if you vacuum seal them. You can check out books from the library for guidelines.

    As for solar ovens, I have a Sunflair one: http://sunflair.net/. This oven folds up small and is easy to carry, which is nice because I don’t have a lot of storage space. It comes with a booklet that tells you how to use it. Due to the angle of the sun in the Seattle area (and how this affects the heat of the oven), I was not successful in using it in the fall/winter. But I have read you can use them 9 months a year in this area. If you prefer to make a solar oven, you can find free plans to do this online. I can’t recommend a specific site, but just do a search. Good luck!

  53. Also no children and non religious, work a full time outside the home job and I still find so much inspiration in this blog. I love how you make everything beautiful, the flowers, the thoughtfulness you put into gifts for your children, and all the creative things you do. Thank you for your efforts.

  54. Your blog is one of the few I continue to read, because it has not been turned into affiliate advertising and commercials. I do not need to buy scarves and earrings, which seems like all that some of the other blogs have become. I liked MSM back in the old days, but popular blogs seems to have lost their voice and personality, but this blog has not, and I like the content you produce. Great work!

  55. I like reading everything too, but I am really behind. This is the busiest time of year. But I love to read what ever you, Brandy, and every one else posts.

  56. Becky, best of luck to your girls at Fair. I miss, and don’t miss at the same time, those hectic times. The children learned so much, especially organizational skills.

  57. Thank you for these goal lists! They inspire me to create goals of my own and organize my time more effectively.

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