Author: Brandy @ The Prudent Homemaker

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

Completed pillow from last week’s goals is on the left. The pillow was made from unbleached muslin that I got for free from my grandmother’s stash. The stuffing was part of an old bed pillow. The pillow cover was made from drop cloth, and I hand-embroidered a red “S” on it. I printed out the…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

I went out to my garden on Monday night, and found evidence of hornworm caterpillars on the tomatoes and I saw grape-leaf skeletonizers on the grapes. I decided to take care of this problem first, instead of pruning the trees first. By the time I was done ripping out the tomato plants (I had been…

Sun Oven Giveaway

Sun Oven Giveaway

When I redesigned my website in January, I set it up so that I could include sponsored advertising. When I posted on my Facebook page that I was going to do this, and asked if anyone was interested, Heather was the first one to speak up. She’s been a sponsor for my site since February….

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

I spent a lot of time last week holding sick little ones. Most of my goals for the week didn’t happen. Last Week’s Goals: 1. Finish sewing pajamas for Liberty. 2. Finish sewing headband and barrettes for Liberty. 3. Make 3 (or more, depending on time) other gifts for Liberty this week. Any gifts from my…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

  Last Week’s Goals: 1. Change the school schedule slightly so that my 5-year-old and 7-year-old have reading with me first thing in the morning, with 5-year-old first and 7-year-old after he is done doing his after-breakfast chores.  This worked well 4 of the 5 days last week. I will be continuing this one this…