
Floral Arrangement Tutorial

Floral Arrangement Tutorial

This post contains affiliate links. I took a floral arranging class as a university student. I often say that that class and my public speaking class are the two most practical classes I attended. Floral arrangement styles have changed over the years. I follow several florists on Instagram (who have styles I love but that…

Frugal Accomplishments for the Beginning of June

Frugal Accomplishments for the Beginning of June

  I harvested Mission figs, Royal apricots, Meyer lemons, peppermint, green onions, New Zealand spinach, Swiss chard, hibiscus flowers, and blackberries from the garden. I worked in the garden, weeding and sowing seeds for sunflowers, Armenian cucumbers, Genovese basil, and vincas.  I collected green onion seeds from my green onion flowers and planted a new…

June’s Garden Harvest and Shopping Plans

June’s Garden Harvest and Shopping Plans

This month in the garden, I’ll harvest blackberries, Mission figs, and apricots. I’ll cut and pick Swiss chard, green onions, grape leaves, chives, oregano, rosemary, sage, elderberry flowers (and possibly elderberries, if I can beat the birds to them), New Zealand spinach, peppermint, and tomatoes. I’ll collect seeds from open-pollinated spinach, three kinds of lettuce,…