
My Goals for This Week

My Goals for This Week

January is a busy time in the garden for me. A month before my last frost date, it’s time to prune fruit trees, prune roses, trim hedges, fertilize the garden, plant seeds, and even harvest (I have several things big enough to eat in the garden right now, including chard, leeks, beets, green onions, parsley,…

My Goals for 2015

My Goals for 2015

Twenty one years ago, I woke up one January morning to a huge earthquake and my mother screaming for me to get out of bed. My family was unprepared for the 1994 Northridge, California earthquake. I was grateful that we didn’t lose water in our town, as my parents didn’t have any stored–and grateful that…

January Grocery Shopping Plans, a New Grocery Budget, and Garden Plans for the New Year

January Grocery Shopping Plans, a New Grocery Budget, and Garden Plans for the New Year

This post contains a referral link and an affiliate link. You can read my disclosure policy here.   I’ve decided to increase our budget $25 a month to $300. This amount includes non-food items like toilet paper, shampoo, etc.  We are a family of 9. Several readers have asked me what I will do about…