
This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

Sewing: 1. Make a Mother’s Day gift for my mom 2. Turn 2 pairs of jeans into jean shorts for Winter 3. Modify 3 dresses 4. Finish skirt for Wren 5. Sew arrow points on Ezrom’s Cub Scout shirt Gardening: 1. Pull weeds 2. Pull out peas 3. Plant Aremenian cucumber seeds and red noodle…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

Last week’s strong winds kept me out of the garden most of the week. I’m hoping to get lots done this week. It should be 91º tomorrow! Garden 1. Spread straw under strawberries 2. Run water lines and plant aster and butternut squash seeds 3. Plant more leek seeds 4. Photograph the garden (in better…