Cinderella Sweeping The Prudent Homemaker

On Monday I received a phone call from a friend. Her nephew is a fashion design student and had a photo shoot

lined up the next day, but his photographer had just cancelled. She asked if I wanted to come and take pictures with her.

The location was Lake Las Vegas. I’d seen pictures, but I had never been there, and I’ve always wanted to check it out for photos.

The location didn’t disappoint! We got there in the afternoon and it was almost completely empty.

The student, a freshman, made the dresses. In a Gone With the Wind meets Cinderella twist, most of the dresses were made from old curtains. For those of you who are thinking to make some formal dresses for your daughter’s upcoming formal dances, check out the thrift store for old curtains that can be repurposed to make dresses.

Scrubbing the Steps The Prudent Homemaker

Stepsisters Full length dresses The Prudent Homemaker

 Stepsisters Gossiping The Prudent Homemaker

 Stepsister Blue Dress Bodice The Prudent Homemaker

Stepsister Blue Dress The Prudent Homemaker

Stepsister Red Dress Bodice The Prudent Homemaker

Step-sisters dresses from behind The Prudent Homemaker

Cinderellla White Dress The Prudent Homemaker

Cinderella White Dress Bodice The Prudent Homemaker

Dancing in the Garden with Stepsisters in the background The Prudent Homemaker

Dancing in the Garden 4 The Prudent Homemaker

Dancing in the Garden 1 The Prudent Homemaker

Dancing in the Garden 3 Sepia The Prudent Homemaker

Dancing in the Garden 2 The Prudent Homemaker

Stroke of Midnight The Prudent Homemaker

Losing the Shoe Sepia The Prudent Homemaker

Fighting Over the Shoe The Prudent Homemaker

Stepsister Trying on the shoe blue dress The Prudent Homemaker

Stepsister Trying on the Shoe red dress The Prudent Homemaker

The Shoe Fits The Prudent Homemaker

The Other Slipper The Prudent Homemaker

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  1. Oh, how interesting! So the student had to make 4 outfits and put it all together
    for the project? That was a lot of work. I hope he did well.

  2. Super photos! I especially liked the one with the white dress with the skirt swirling, as well as the black and white ones. Really lovely. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Great photos and fabulous dresses! Good luck to him and I do think you could have a side business with photography because you have a good eye for photo composition.

  4. Thanks Mari. I found a 360º photo of the garden online yesterday, and I spent a couple of hours studying it, looking for the best places to take pictures. I didn’t know about the rest of the places near the garden, but we were there about 25 minutes before the models, so I had time to scout out more places for photos. I could only see the wall where the stairs were, so I was hoping the staircase was pretty! I’m glad it was, because there weren’t any other long staircases to use!

  5. Even the “evil” step-sisters look stunning. What beautiful girls and pictures. Their parents will be happy to have these photos, I am sure.

  6. Wonderful photos. The dresses are great too, especially considering that he’s just at the beginning of the school program. Well done to both of you.

    My sister in law has a good eye for photography as well, and being enterprising, she has free lanced at selling both photos and magazine articles over her mostly stay-at-home mothering years. A nice addition to income when times are tight–but mostly validation of some talent, in her case. Both my daughter and grand-daughter have some artistic talent, and both are good at photography too. A talent I unfortunately don’t share! While I do have talents, they are not in that field!

  7. How neat! I saw the photo of Cinderella and Prince Charming on my Facebook wall the other day and thought you had taken photos for a young couples wedding!!

  8. [i] have been following your blog for a couple years. I just access it thru my sister-in-law’s blog ( Jan). Imagine my surprise when I realize that you have taken the photos for Lars and his Cinderella photo shoot! The photos are wonderful. Can’t wait to see the rest! Glad I got to spend the afternoon with you. Thank you Brandy for helping to create this dream for Lars!

  9. What a stunning collection, both the gowns and the photos! Congratulations to the talented young man who designed the gowns, the lucky models who got to enjoy wearing them, and to you, Brandy, for the beautiful photography. I’ll bet the young ladies and their families really enjoyed the photos!

  10. Lovely photos Brandy! I’ve often thought that you should sell prints of some of your photos from here on the website! I love your food and fruits/veggies.

  11. So pretty. The dresses and the girls are just beautiful. I am sure that young man will go far in his career. He has a big talent.

  12. Absolutely beautiful photographs and young ladies and gentleman.

    Hope the freshman gets an A. (Does he get graded?)


  13. What wonderful talents – both for the fashion design student, as well as your photography. I love the concept of Cinderella too. Its a story we all are familiar with, but done solely as a visual interpretation. Absolutely beautiful!

  14. This must have been so much fun for you, Brandy, and everyone else involved in the photo shoot as well. Wonderful job by all of you!

  15. My girls LOVED looking at the pictures. The dresses were so lovely, and your photos were stellar! Even my husband got a kick out of it. I don’t normally show the entire family a blog, but I knew everyone would enjoy this one.

  16. Brandy , I agree , you do have a talent for photography. Still life and people and action…all of it.

    In case any one is interested , CINDERELLA is on TV tonight. I saw it mentioned in the paper this morning as a must see. It is on ABC FAMILY channel. We do not get that. It is a 1950 version , Disney.

  17. Your photography is beautiful. I’m so glad everyone and everything came together for his portfolio. Would it be possible to order some of the pictures from you? My daughter wore the Cinderella costumes.

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