Do you ever have the urge to ditch all of your plans for the day and just make something new?

I did that this week.

I put away thoughts of sewing any presents, served leftovers for breakfast one morning, and worked on a project instead.

We took out the Christmas decorations and set up the tree on Monday. It was then that I remembered that we are short stockings. We have 7 stockings and 9 people.

Last year we decided to make it work. My husband and I shared a stocking and the baby didn’t have one.

This year I wanted stockings. Sure, I could have the 7 that we have for just the children, but I really wanted some new stockings.

After I saw these beautiful miniature stockings last year (and these slightly larger ones), I realized how nice it would be to have smaller stockings. I wouldn’t feel bad because I didn’t have a filled stocking to the top. I like the look of presents sticking out the top, but with a huge stocking, that doesn’t happen. I decided to not go really small, but I did make smaller stockings than we had (in the end, these turned out to be about 1/3 the size of our previous stockings).


I really like the look of grain sack stockings, but grain sacks are pricey. I decided to make the stockings from drop cloth that I purchased last year, and to use the machine stitches to sew on the red stripes.

For each stocking, I cut 4 pieces, so that they would be lined.

I used embroidery thread to make a twisted hanging hook (like I do for my bookmark tassels). For two of them, I attached a couple of package toppers that we had received on past presents years ago that I keep with the Christmas decorations (I usually tie them on packages). My husband would like me to do something a little different on each one so that we can tell them apart. (They are hung oldest to youngest, but I also like the look of something more on them. I am thinking of attaching some jingle bells and possibly some fresh rosemary to the tops of them this year).

I am really happy to have 9 more reasonably-sized stockings hanging up this year!

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  1. We have rather large stockings, but I love your idea of smaller ones! They take so much to fill. I love the look of these. You have a beautiful elegance to everything I see of yours. They are beautiful.

  2. i really like those, and especially I like that they are smaller. ‘the men’ are making Christmas cookies after church today. Three guesses about what my prayers will center on. ahahahaha just kidding. mostly.

  3. Brandy, those are just lovely – happy and sweet! I am trying to remember the actual name of the seam that I do sometimes when I’m making something with straighter seams – is it a trapped seam? You sew the item together right side out, fairly close to the edge, then press, turn, and sew the seams wrong side out – I always think of it as a way to give the tidiness of a lining with less fabric. I don’t think it would work on a stocking (the curves would not like it one bit), but I often use it for book bags, totes and that sort of thing. Merry Christmas! 🙂

  4. Well right now they are hanging in order from oldest to youngest, so one can count 🙂 But I am looking to add a little something decorative to each one on top that is a little different for that reason per my husband’s request.I thought about painting them, but this way I can wash them if need be.

  5. Brandy, have you considered placing a decorative pin on a few of them? For instance, I have a small Christmas wreath, meant to be worn on a sweater or jacket, and a small Christmas tree. As creative as you are, I am sure you could make your own pins. For next year, you could also a small pine cone,a star, a wreath, a sprig of rosemary, a holly leaf or pine branch, some berries, etc on each one. The stockings are beautiful.

  6. You could also gift wrap a small box, like one from canning jar inserts, & put a name tag on the top, poking out of the top of the stocking to identify them.

  7. I love these – so simple yet elegant! I cannot imagine how parents fill deep stockings up – i just finished one for my best friend, who is single, and it took a LOT of stuff to fill up the red felt stocking I purchased from Target – and I was very cost conscious.

  8. Very Pretty! These would never fly in our home though. My husband will never let go of the ‘sock’ his nan knitted for him. The foot part is too big even for his size 13s and the top is almost 2ft tall and half a ft across. It is ridiculous to even attempt to fill, lol. :-/

  9. Dear Miss Brandy and readers,The Christmas stockings are very lovely and elegant. I am sure they look homey in your house. What do the children think about the stockings? I cross stitched each of my children a stocking each year they were born. Two years ago I got some stockings that are knit from a store at 90% off. I hang the on our stair railing as a decorations. I couldn’t believe the price at the time–less that a dollar. I am in the middle of finishing my last gift for Christmas, a cross stitch Christmas banister.Congratulations for your great success and to everyone else who has made wonderful things for Christmas.Anna

  10. I must admit the title of your post caught me off guard for a moment as I was not thinking about Christmas stockings but stockings that you wear! I saw those grain sack stockings on your Pinterest board and must admit, yours look just as good! Have a great day!

  11. Beautiful! I love the look of identical stockings.How did you attach the strip of wood to your mantel? We use a spring tension rod to hold the empty stocking between the mantel brackets, but it isn’t strong enough for the filled stockings. I don’t want to screw hooks directly into the mantel.

  12. Those are lovely Brandy!How about a stamped or printed initial on a small tag tied to the hanging ribbon to tell them apart?Our children have some huge stockings courtesy of Grandma and we fill the bottom half with new clothes (t-shirts or polos, tights or socks, undies, under shirts, etc.) that won’t wrinkle. That way the bottom gets filled up quickly and I don’t have to wrap the clothes! My son is getting two t-shirts this year and my daughter is getting tights so that will fill up the bottoms well!I’d also like to know how you attach the board with hooks to your mantel. Brilliant idea!Thanks for the beautiful ideas! Your house must look lovely all decorated for this time of year.Lea

  13. I don’t have a mantel. This is under my counter; the piece of wood screws into the wood that is under the countertop.At my last house we did have a mantel, though, and we put anchors into the mantel. When Christmas came we would screw eyescrews into the anchors. The hooks were covered by faux greenery (which is on my piano now) when we hung them, and we didn’t need hangers for stockings.

  14. Lea, I could have done that, but it would be the old-fashioned way of putting all of the gifts in the stockings. Last year I really thought about that. But there are some things that don’t fit for a few (but not for all). So those people might have one gift under the tree, but then the others wouldn’t have any, and I think they would feel bad. So I did this instead.The initial hang tag is fun, too. That is nice. I put some on my Pinterest board that had greenery and large bells and small bells, and I really liked those, too.

  15. Such beautiful stockings. I’ve tried to make my own three years in a row, and its never worked out as planned. This year I broke down and spent money on well made new ones. Truth be told though. I like your better 🙂

  16. When I was a kid my mom made us all simple white stockings, each with different trimmings (ribbons, doilies, etc.) But of course we always forgot whose was whose from one year to the next, so she penciled our initials on the inside. Just an idea I thought I’d pass on to you, if it takes a while to make the pins or whatever it is you decide to do to tell them apart. Because stockings don’t go through the washing machine, pencil will last for years.

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