Author: Brandy @ The Prudent Homemaker

Garden Harvest and Grocery Shopping Plans for May

Garden Harvest and Grocery Shopping Plans for May

May is a wonderful month for harvesting from the garden. This month I’ll be picking blackberries, Swiss chard, beets, strawberries, chamomile, hibiscus flowers, lettuce, spinach, beets, turnips, Katy apricots (they didn’t ripen last month as I had expected, but should early this month),  Desert Gold peaches, artichokes, and even a few tomatoes. I also have leeks,…

Goals for May

Goals for May

Here are the goals I would like to have for the month:   1. Have a baby 2. Keep up with the laundry 3. Continue to homeschool 4. Make meals   The reality, of course, is that there is much more to be done than those 4 things. This month I have apricots, blackberries and…

New Aprons

New Aprons

Note: This post contains affiliate links. You can read my disclosure policy here. The sewing for myself is always the last sewing to get done. I wear an apron often–while cooking, while canning, while baking, while doing dishes, and often while gardening. I’ve made my old aprons last a few more years than I had…

Goals For April

Goals For April

  I’m turning 40 this month. I have some fun projects for myself on my list for this month.   Sewing: 1. Sew curtains for my bedroom 2. Sew dress for myself, using 2 existing dress that I have to make a pattern (I want to try this method for making a pattern from an…