
This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

Completed pillow from last week’s goals is on the left. The pillow was made from unbleached muslin that I got for free from my grandmother’s stash. The stuffing was part of an old bed pillow. The pillow cover was made from drop cloth, and I hand-embroidered a red “S” on it. I printed out the…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

I went out to my garden on Monday night, and found evidence of hornworm caterpillars on the tomatoes and I saw grape-leaf skeletonizers on the grapes. I decided to take care of this problem first, instead of pruning the trees first. By the time I was done ripping out the tomato plants (I had been…

Sun Oven Giveaway

Sun Oven Giveaway

When I redesigned my website in January, I set it up so that I could include sponsored advertising. When I posted on my Facebook page that I was going to do this, and asked if anyone was interested, Heather was the first one to speak up. She’s been a sponsor for my site since February….

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

I spent a lot of time last week holding sick little ones. Most of my goals for the week didn’t happen. Last Week’s Goals: 1. Finish sewing pajamas for Liberty. 2. Finish sewing headband and barrettes for Liberty. 3. Make 3 (or more, depending on time) other gifts for Liberty this week. Any gifts from my…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

  Last Week’s Goals: 1. Change the school schedule slightly so that my 5-year-old and 7-year-old have reading with me first thing in the morning, with 5-year-old first and 7-year-old after he is done doing his after-breakfast chores.  This worked well 4 of the 5 days last week. I will be continuing this one this…

The Garden In September

The Garden In September

That is my green bean harvest. It’s a normal year for green beans here. You see, green beans are like tomatoes–and zucchini, squash, pumpkins, peppers and cucumbers. When it’s above 90º, they don’t like to set fruit. They don’t even flower much. They just try to stay alive. We have over 5 months of above 90º…