
Thankful: November 6th

Thankful: November 6th

Earlier this spring (as pictured in the photo) only a few of these miniature daffodils bloomed. I figured they were probably getting too crowded and needed to be divided. Because we are changing up the garden, I spent yesterday digging these out. They had multiplied exceedingly! I’m thankful that bulbs multiply and flowers go to…

Thankful: November 5th

Today marks the 200th day without rain in Las Vegas. Our normal rainfall here is 4 inches (10 centimeters) a year, and we’ve only received 2 inches (5 cm) this year. We had a very wet spring, thankfully, but a very dry winter is predicted. We’re also having record heat for this time of year!…

Thankful: November 4th

Thankful: November 4th

Today, I’m thankful for my husband’s patience as I drew and redrew part of the garden plans both inside and outside. We discovered that our wall on the east side of the garden is not straight; we had measured it along the back of the garden near the fig tree, but it is considerably shorter…