I am grateful for friends around the world that I have made online in the last few years.
What are you thankful for today?
I am grateful for friends around the world that I have made online in the last few years.
What are you thankful for today?
That is my green bean harvest. It’s a normal year for green beans here. You see, green beans are like tomatoes–and zucchini, squash, pumpkins, peppers and cucumbers. When it’s above 90º, they don’t like to set fruit. They don’t even flower much. They just try to stay alive. We have over 5 months of above 90º…
Last week’s plans were completely changed when a friend, whom I haven’t seen in almost 8 years, emailed on Monday to ask if she and her family could come to visit on Friday, join us in our Fourth of July plans, and sleep at our place. We said yes, and changed our plans slightly to…
Fall arrives in a day in Las Vegas. One day this week, my children were outside playing in the sprinklers and eating homemade popsicles. Then a wind storm came in overnight, with fast, cold winds, and the high temperature drops 19º from the day before. Usually the storm comes right around Halloween every year, which…
Shirt: Free hand-me down in like new condition, given as a birthday gift; shorts bought on clearance last year. In the background is our Early Elberta peach tree, from which we are still picking My husband cut my hair on Sunday morning. We had to replace our dishwasher this week. I compared models online and…
There’s a new recipe up on the website for White Bean Dip. You can make this recipe with ingredients straight from your pantry. It’s an easy snack, especially if you’ve cooked up a big batch of beans and froze them in smaller batches. It’s also a great main course to send in a child’s lunch. Add…
You know those days when your children won’t stop arguing, don’t want to do their schoolwork or chores, and you’re feeling like there is nothing good in your corner of the world? I’m sure you never have those days. Wait. You’re having that kind of a day today? Stop to count your blessings.I found I…
I am thankful for the work and care of the people who post regularly on the facebook page of the historical society from the small town where my parents grew up. This brings back my parents and grandparents in my mind as I see reminders of the good lives they lived, even just doing ordinary things.
I am thankful for the people that comment here who make up a wonderful, supportive and encouraging community. Of course, none of this would be possible without you, Brandy, so I am thankful for you. Likewise for my friends far and wide.
I am grateful that technology has allowed me to teach from my home.
I am thankful for helping hands that put together a funeral luncheon for a woman in our community. Sweet people to work with, help out, and get to know better.
I am thankful for living in a wonderful community with kind neighbors.