
Mini Pavlovas

Mini Pavlovas

  Pavlovas are such a simple thing to make. Hands’ on time is very little. The hardest part is waiting for the meringues to cook. Everything is quick and easy. You can top them with any fruit you have on hand. I used blackberries and white strawberries from my garden that I simply tossed with…

Goals for June

Goals for June

This month I’m working on several projects that have been on my to-do lists for months. I have a lot of work to do in the garden, as the weeds have grown quite a bit in the last month while I’ve been recovering from having a baby. I am also behind in planting several things…

My Shopping Plans for June

My Shopping Plans for June

June is an abundant month for fruit in the garden. This month, we’ll harvest Mission figs, Green Gage plums, Royal apricots, Dorsett Golden apples, white alpine (vesca) strawberries, and blackberries. I’ll pick tomatoes and cut herbs, green onions, and Swiss chard from the garden. If my zucchini plants decide to have open male and female flowers…

Our New Arrival

Our New Arrival

Our sweet baby arrived at 2:15 a.m. on Friday, May 6th.  At only 6 days past my due date, he was my earliest baby. (The others were all born between 42-44 weeks). He was also the biggest, weighing 8 pounds, 11 ounces (3,936 g). Like all of my others, he was born at home. Recovery…

Garden Harvest and Grocery Shopping Plans for May

Garden Harvest and Grocery Shopping Plans for May

May is a wonderful month for harvesting from the garden. This month I’ll be picking blackberries, Swiss chard, beets, strawberries, chamomile, hibiscus flowers, lettuce, spinach, beets, turnips, Katy apricots (they didn’t ripen last month as I had expected, but should early this month),  Desert Gold peaches, artichokes, and even a few tomatoes. I also have leeks,…