
This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

Temperatures are climbing back up to normal this week and we will see 100º by Saturday. Therefore, my garden work needs to be done early in the week. I worked hard last week to remove caterpillar-infected leaves from the grape vines, but I still have many more to tackle. I read on the local nursery’s…

My Goals for This Week

My Goals for This Week

Garden: Every year in April, shortly after just starting to set lots of fruit, my snow peas succumb to powdery mildew. I use drip irrigation and there hasn’t been any rain, but I still have this problem each year.  So, I will be taking out my peas this week and planting something else in their…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

Gardening: 1. Dig out apple tree. This is proving difficult as the roots are large, but I will get it out. 2. Finish pruning espaliered apples 3. Plant apricot in place of apple 4. Plant warm season vegetables. It is going to be 87º F today (my fig tree has leafed out and has fruit…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

  The garden at sunrise Saturday morning I have another child’s birthday coming up shortly, so I have some sewing to do! She asked me for a blouse and some pajamas, so I need to make those this week, and possibly another gift or two. She also asked for a puzzle, so I’ll make a…

This Week’s Goals

This Week’s Goals

Cooler weather has returned, along with a rainstorm that came last night and lasted until the early hours of this morning.  I’ve got a long list of tasks this week that I hope to be up and doing. Here are my plans:   Sewing: 1. Make birthday gifts for Elsa: skirt, doll dress, dress, and…

My Goals for This Week

My Goals for This Week

January is a busy time in the garden for me. A month before my last frost date, it’s time to prune fruit trees, prune roses, trim hedges, fertilize the garden, plant seeds, and even harvest (I have several things big enough to eat in the garden right now, including chard, leeks, beets, green onions, parsley,…

My Goals for 2015

My Goals for 2015

Twenty one years ago, I woke up one January morning to a huge earthquake and my mother screaming for me to get out of bed. My family was unprepared for the 1994 Northridge, California earthquake. I was grateful that we didn’t lose water in our town, as my parents didn’t have any stored–and grateful that…